Last year was our first summer on the Piscataquog, and our new friends told us of this great spot called Cupcake Island. The sand was really nice there, and the water really clear...boats would dock at the island all day long, and people would meet up at Cupcake Island for fun in the sun.
I nearly died laughing the day they first brought me to Cupcake Island. Pictured above is Cupcake Island in it's better days, believe it or not! Now all you can see is that tree sticking out of a foot of water - no "island" visible at all! It still is some of the clearest water and nicest sand we have, but boy is it funny to call it an island!
There are two origins of the name. One involves Jimmy and his friends out one night, driving by, and for some reason, one of his friends thought the island resembled a hostess cupcake...not sure why, but hence the name. This other origin comes from Brian, called Cuppy, short for cupcake by his partner Rhonda. Brian and his family have been on the Piscataquog for decades, and Brian says that Cupcake Island is named after him "Cuppy," because he's the king.
I don't care what they call it - I'm going to rename it tooth pick island. ;-)
We had a great Memorial Day weekend! Lots of BBQs and boating and FUN! All day Monday, we took the boat out to Cupcake Island, and we tied off to the tooth pick tree and swam and sunned until dinner time. Then we came back to our house, for yet another BBQ. Later, D and I went out for a sunset cruise - it's soooo beautiful out there when the sun is setting. It was a perfect day.
I haven't lost or gained anything since last week. I'm still at 125 lbs lost.
I'm feeling much better today, and I'm looking forward to kayaking tonight when I get home...and then maybe another sunset cruise!
Be good.
Wow, cupcake island looks big in that pic!
Glad you're feeling better - be sure to hit 1000 calories at least today.
Glad you are feeling better. You NH people are odd. I would have driven over the island on my way to try and find a city.
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