Do they make one? They should!
My crazy cat has species identity disorder. He thinks he's a dog. When you walk into the house, he runs toward the door and slides on his back so you can pet his stomach. He also begs for food, and doesn't know when to stop eating.
Come to think of it, did all those things prior to my banding. They say animals are like their owners!
When we first moved into our NH home, we were still living in our MA home a day or two each week. We would leave him plenty of food to last him the entire time we were gone, but he'd eat it all the first day and then starve the rest of the time. He would eat himself sick. What kind of cat is he??!!
We got him an automatic feeder, that releases food as scheduled, and this took care of the problem...at least for a while. About 2-3 hours before the food was scheduled to drop, he would start to stare intently at the bowl, 4 feet away from it. Every few minutes, he would convince himself that if he just walked away for one moment, the food would come, so he would take a lap around the kitchen island, and return to the bowl and stare. FOR 2-3 HOURS, TWICE A DAY!!
Crazy kitty.
Finally, the dopey thing figured out how to reach his paw up the shoot to get food to come out - one piece at a time. He would sit there for hours, pawing at it to get just one piece out, and then starting over again. I taped the majority of the opening shut recently, so he could no longer get his paw up there, but alas, he learned a new trick. (This from a cat who can't figure out where he's supposed to go poo!)
Now he has discovered that if he backs up and sprints toward the food, slamming it against the wall with his body, it causes a bunch of food to fall. We don't have a rug down there, so when he tries to run, his feet slide around on the floor, and then his claws scratch against the tile as he tries to gain control of his motion. We'll be upstairs watching TV, and we'll hear scramble, scratch THUD. And again...scramble, scratch, THUD!
There is no point to having an automatic feeder if we have to hide it from our cat and take it out when it's time to eat. As of now, I am at a loss of what to do with him. I think the lap band his only hope!
OK that was too funny. Poor Miller, he is stuck inside and this is his only form of recreation. Now that you are home all the time, why don't you just give him a can in the morning, a can at night, and leave the dry food in a bowl all day. He will eventually find that the food isn't leaving and might not eat it all in one sitting. Cats are normally grazers when it comes to food, but this may come back to his identity issues? Maybe you should call the pet psychiatrist.
Miller will never be a grazer and I'm thinking they won't give him canned food since it's too fattening...
You guys did manage to force him to lose weight so the plan was a good one for a while. I think now you need to simply feed him twice a day.
I think he'll be less tortured this way in that he won't be able to stare at a giant container of food all day...
but ya, he will probably be more bored now w/ nothing to do.
no canned food. it's stinky, and he doesn't need it. he gets diet food 2 x/day. he is lazy and he needs oa.
You are one strict mama
I swear ever since I got him that electronic auto cleaning cat box, he's never been the same... before taht thing came along, he knew where to poop and not to wolf all his food down -
I ruined him for life.
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