Thursday, December 31, 2009

Let the training begin!

In preparation for training for my half marathon, I need to address my knee issues that I've had for years now.  I keep re-injuring my knee, over and over and it gets in the way of my exercise.  I called my MD for an appointment for today to get bloodwork done (I'm out of thyroid meds today I just noticed), and to have her look at my knee, so we can get some xrays done and pass me along to whoever can fix the problem.

I went to an orthopedist a year or two ago, and it was when I had first injured it.  He told me to take it easy, use the exercise bike to strengthen it, and if it didn't get better, to see him again.  It didn't really bother me for a long time, but then I re-injured it (a few times), because it's weak from prior injuries, and weak from all that weight I carried around for so many years (and the extra weight I'm still carrying around), so it's just a big wimpy mess.

I think I will probably need physical therapy, and I want my MD or PT to monitor my training.  I'm hoping to come out of the training with a stronger knee - I certainly don't want to do additional damage.  I know every lb I lose will make a difference in my recovery, so I'm glad to be doing the biggest loser challenge that Alison is arranging.  That will make weight loss fun!

My MD will have a loaded plate with me there today, between my flu, knee and thyroid, but I'm sure she can handle it.  ;)  I can't believe they could see me today - they must have had several last minute cancellations - typical of the holiday season.  Good for me.


Anonymous said...

See if you can have your PT treatments done here. Then we can hang for a few.

I am glad you are taking care of your issues.

Anonymous said...

It is very valuable answer

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