Saturday, December 5, 2009


The total weight of these 3 little Yorkie puppies is 6 lbs.  LOL - how cute and teeny tiny are they???  Darcy and I met a little baby Yorkie at the pet store the other day.  He was 10 weeks old, and he weighed about a lb.  He was so little, and absolutely precious.  It's a good thing his pen mate decided to released himself on him because I'm quite sure the offensive oder is the reason Henry doesn't have a baby brother today.  Poor little Harry - I hope they have washed him by now.

I mention the adorable trio, because today, I'm down 6 lbs from my latest high weight.  I've lost 3 lbs this week, and I was far from perfect, but I was definitely better, so it's working, and I'm glad.

I'm having a gross chicken alfredo lean cuisine for breakfast, as I type.  What a nice way to kick start the day.  LOL

I've been working since before 5AM this morning.  I have a lot to do since I was on the road all day yesterday, but I don't want it to cut into my weekend.

Better get back to it - just wanted to share the good news with you two.  ;-)