I had a few pieces of a small cheese pizza for lunch yesterday. Nothing crazy, but it made me totally sick. I felt like my gallbladder pain was back. It was most unpleasant.
I had heard that some people get sick after eating greasy foods once their gallbladder is removed, but it hadn't happened to me. I'm wondering if because I totally cleansed my system for two days, my body couldn't process the junk?
Either way, it taught me a good lesson about staying away from bad foods, even in moderation. It's not worth it to be sick. I was up until 1AM from the pain. Very odd.
I was going to go back on the liquids today, but with my stomach still recovering, I'm just going to take it easy and eat normally.
I had a multigrain breakfast bar for breakfast, I'll have a banana for snack, a stir fry lean cuisine for lunch, and we'll see about dinner. I'm thinking left over turkey and some veggies, and maybe a potato to even it all out.
That pizza looks delicious. I would hope you could eat some in moderation? I am glad you are feeling better. As a closet nutritionist you know what to eat anyway.
I really didn't have that much - it was very bizarre.
Boy, I fell way behind on this blog after only 1 day -
Sorry you were sick but yes, that pizza looks soooooooooooo good!
girl, you missed 4 days. don't let it happen again.
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