Saturday, August 8, 2009

Holy fluctuation, Batman

Well congratulations to me, I weigh 8 lbs less than I weighed yesterday. I know I've said it before, but it's seriously ca-razy how much my weight fluctuates day to day.

Oh well, I did fine-ish with my eating yesterday. I consumed more calories than I like to, but I made healthy choices. We went out for Mexican for dinner, but I got my usual steak salad. There's no dressing, and they only put a little sour cream on it. I know it's still higher in calories/fat than a normal meal, but it's not terrible.

I went to the gym. So good for me. No one's getting $20.

I'm going to the gym today as well. The same offer stands. It's good online accountability. LOL

Hopefully I'll lose another 8 lbs today. ;-)


Alison... said...

You're on your way down - that's great!

Anonymous said...

Good job getting back to the gym. I need to follow suit..have been slacking myself lately.