Friday, August 7, 2009

Gotta love that PMS

It's 9AM, and I've already consumed 556 calories today.

Just because it's "diet" food, doesn't mean the calories don't add up. LOL.

I have had:

2 cups of light popcorn
A low fat breakfast bar
1 lean cuisine



I think it's safe to say I've officially broken my plateau!!!!! For the last year or so, I was at pretty much the same weight, give or take, and I just kept losing and gaining the same weight over and over. Well, I've moved past that, and I officially weigh more than I have in the past year.

Today, I weighed 19 lbs more than I did 2 weeks ago. Seriously. How does that happen?? My weight fluctuates in an insane way. When I'm retaining water (ew), I can gain up to 12 lbs that just seems to come and go over night... Not 19, though... I've given into my PMS more than I normally do, and I haven't been exercising at all.

There's a silver lining in this - believe it or not - I felt like no matter what I did, I couldn't move my weight. Well, I guess that's not true. If I can get it to go up, I can get it to go down.

Recharging my diet batteries while in the middle of PMS isn't the best laid plan, but I'm just going to eat when I'm hungry, and only items that are healthy or low fat. It will be better than I've been the rest of the week, and soon my appetite will go back to normal.

My knee is almost better, and I'm going to start slowly using it again on the exercise bike to see if I can build the strength back.


There. It's in writing AND with caps locked, so it's clearly a fact.

Okay, I'm going to raise you one. If I don't go to the gym today, I will mail every ready of this blog $20. You have to comment to be considered for this special offer. LOL.


Anonymous said...

Don't tease the If I saw this earlier I would have invited you ou for

lanie said...

all bets off- Billy saw Darcy and she said you guys were on your way to the gym! good for you!!!

Alison... said...

Glad yoos made it to the gym, good work!