Anyway, I am seeing a bunch of people I haven't seen in a long time, and some people are afraid to say that you've lost weight...they think that may offend you by somehow implying you were overweight before.
Noo, I was never overweight. That large person in the red shirt was merely big boned! :)
I don't mind one bit when people tell me I look like I've lost weight. I clearly have, and I was clearly extremely large before. It wasn't a secret, and I think everyone knew. LOL
Anyway, there are still those overly sensitive folks who are afraid to tell me I look thinner, so they tell me I look great! or awesome! or fabulous!!, and ironically, I always seem to run into these people when I do not look great, awesome or fabulous. So they give me this nice compliment, and I have to take it, but I feel silly because I look baaaaad. Maybe not as bad as when I was a lot bigger, but compared to my good days, bad.
I can't have all new clothes at once. The suits I was thrilled to fit into a few months ago now look silly on me, and it is what it is. I have to wear them until I can't, and I'm not getting new clothes every time I drop a few lbs.
I guess I could at least have nice hair...DARCE! ;-)
I miss calling you fatty
oops... is that insensitive?
why the heck can't you call me fatty? i do it all the time!
cuz you're skinny
About the hair. Yo Momma likes longer hair.
Well thank goodness my mama isn't my hairdresser. ;-) xo!!
PS - on all of my blogs, *this* is the one you comment on?? hahaha
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