I stopped by Kohl's (the epicenter of fashion - LOL) on my way home, and they were having a sale. Shocker. I found two new shirts for work that are very versatile to wear under suits, and I also found a delicious suit coat that I can wear with some dress pants I have. It was 80% off, so I got it for $40! Also, it's snug on me now, but I know it will absolutely fit me perfectly when I reach my goal.
I just had my first glimpse of truly being in the home stretch!
I found a shirt to go under this nice hand me down Jones New York black suit that I inherited. It looks really nice, and it fits me well. It's funny the difference it makes when my clothes actually fit.
I have been having a breakdown lately about my messy house. Every sunny weekend day, when I choose to abandon my chores to enjoy boating and swimming, I tell myself that I won't be sitting around some snowy winter day regretting that I hadn't spent more sunny summer days cleaning...and I *know* that's true, but right now, we are way past my comfort zone. My car has been a mess too.
I'm always on the go, and when I have a moment where I can relax, I take it. However, I need to get some of this under control because it's affecting my mental health at this point. :) On my way home from Kohl's (by the way, I spent under three minutes in the store), I stopped by a gas station to clean out my car. One small step, but it helped me feel a little more peace.
When I arrived home, I had more work to do, and I worked until 9. It was a nice sunny night, and from my office area, I can see out a big window onto the water. I kept seeing boats go by, enjoying the sun, then the sun set...jealous... I got over it, pressed on through, and watched a little tv from 9-10 before calling it a night.
I haven't had any change on the scale in a while. I know that for two weeks I was sick and sedentary, which didn't help, especially combined with my desire for comfort foods. I've been feeling better for the past few days, but I am not back in my routine yet. I need to go grocery shopping, and I need to get back to the gym. Monday and Tuesday I worked from early AM until 9PM at night, and today shouldn't be much different. I am working in Boston today, and from Boston I need to head to a conservation committee meeting in Goffstown for 8PM, and I won't be home until 9, and I know I'll have more work to do at that point.
There are always excuses for not getting to the gym, and I know I just need to make the time, but I also know that I need to be mindful of the fact that I'm still getting well. Darcy is going grocery shopping tonight, and by tomorrow, I should be able to work the gym back into my routine.
I'm looking forward to having a long weekend!
Kohls a sale...shocker...lol. Funny
3 minutes shopping...sad
Messy house.. i understand the mental health part
Gym... Just do it
3 minutes and you found something delicious to wear? LOL
3 minute shopping is not sad, it's excellent and that's why you're the only person on earth I will shop with
You've been so flat out w/ work, lake association and sickness, I am sure you will get to the gym tomorrow and you will feel great!
Thank God for the long weekend, I hope you can enjoy some of it. I would be more than happy to help you with house work in exchange for a ride to Cupcake.
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