I used one of my staple marinades: fat free italian dressing with reduced sodium soy sauce. I tenderized the tips, and they were grilled to perfection...my version of perfection anyway... I'm looking forward to having them again for lunch today.
For breakfast, I will have 2 Kashi multigrain blueberry waffles with sugar free syrup. If I have extra room, I will have some kiwi on the side, and if not, I'll have that for a mid-morning snack.
I'm glad to be focusing on healthy foods again, and not just whatever is the easiest to grab. I'm still sick, and I think that if I eat healthy and continue to get a lot of liquids, I'll start to get better. I'm taking vitamins again (I've been bad about that), and I may even take a Claritan today to see what happens, but I just hate how they make me feel.
Last night, I worked until about 8ish, and then we watched CSI. After that, we went to bed and took nyquil. I slept okay at first, but I was up coughing and sweating, but freezing for quite a bit until I ended up taking nyquil again. I think this thing is trying to work is way out of me, and I'd like to help it. :) At this point, I'm pretty sure a lot of it is allergy related, and I'm thinking about getting a prescription for some allergy meds.
Today I have a full day of work, plus a draft of a paper I need to finish for school. We have a lake association meeting tomorrow night, so I have somethings I need to get in order for that tonight as well, since I'll be heading to the meeting directly from Boston tomorrow.
Stay well!
Stop self diagnosing. You have health insurance, use it!! Not sleeping and being sick is no fun!
You are probably right. It probably is allergies.
Your work never seems to end!!!
Hopefully the lake association stuff will slow down soon now that you had the meeting and you submitted the proposal.
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