I give in. I'm calling my MD today. I was up coughing during the night, and I've been up since 4AM because I couldn't stop that time. I want to swallow some nyquil and take a sick day, but I have too much to do.
I also have an appointment with a gastroenterologist today, to see what's wrong with me from that stomach pain I had. I *really* don't feel like doing all that today, and they probably don't want me in their office! I will call when they open to see if they would like to reschedule. It took a long time to get the appointment, so they may tell me to come in anyway.
This is the rainiest summer in 50 years, so far...we may ever surpass that. Yesterday, the sky was finally clear, so we went out for a boat ride with Jimmy and Anita. I probably shouldn't have been outside at night (I was bundled up, though), but these are the choices I make...I missed the sun over the weekend because I was so sick, and I couldn't miss the sun during the week. Life is just too short.
Seems as though you haven't been having the stomach pains lately so I am not sure if it's worth it to venture out for the appt. How long will it take for a new appt???
Sorry you're still sick -
Please call the dr and get anti biotics today!
Sorry you are sick. I blame the air in New Hampshire
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