That is a replica of one lb of fat; the mug is just a reference point. Oh, Planet Hollywood. Whatever happened to you? I used to love that place when I was younger. I went to the one in New York a few times, and I met some great C and D list folks. I loved that place mat with all the celebrity high school photos, but they probably should have updated it every, oh, decade or so...
I'm getting off point. I lost a lb. Yay. I thought my body was on strike for lack of exercise. I'm now down 153, 2 lbs away from losing Marcel/lo. I'm going to train like Rocky today (yes, I just watched Rocky VI, aka Rocky Balboa this weekend, so hence, the outdated reference) to lose those last 2 lbs...not really...I'm still wheezy and coughy. I don't feel as weak or out of it as I was over the weekend, but the annoying symptoms are still present.
I can't believe how contagious this thing is. I caught it from my Mom, I think, and I've given it to Darcy, Stephanie and Caroline. I haven't seen anyone else, and it's probably a good thing, because I think they would have it too!
Yesterday was loads of fun. I worked on one project for 11 hours straight. It was all based on a 15 page excel spreadsheet, and I thought I was going to go blind by the end of the day. After that fun, I watched an hour of TV with Darcy, but she went to bed at 8 (because I got her sick), so I decided to do some homework and a little more work. I continued on with that excitement until 10, and then I went to bed. I woke up coughing at 5, and I've been up since then, but it was better than the night before when I was up half the night.
My mother warned me that this thing lasts forever. I can handle the annoying cough and wheeze and runny nose, but just keep the weak and tired stuff away. Deal? Deal.
Don't forget to wash your hands! (I hear there's something going around.)
Yay on losing the 1 pound...
and no offense dear but I don't think I am going to stop by your house tonight -
I don't want your and Darcy's germs!
So glad I have not seen you. I do not want whatever it is you have!! Yay for losing one more pound. You are transforming yourself from week to week. 2 more pounds till Marcel/lo. That is Crazy!!
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