Last year, I cooked out almost every weekend - I'd have potato salad, mac n cheese, corn on the cob, steak tips, chicken breasts...you name it. I didn't plan these cook outs - they just happened. On the weekend, people just show up, and I was always ready.
Now I buy the gross cheap bags of chips and popcorn at the grocery store, and put that out to eat. Every once in a while, Darcy breaks out the pita and hummus too. I used to spend hundreds of dollars on food for one cook out. That's craziness. Now that I don't eat much, I wouldn't dream of it.
When my family was in town last week, I hardly made anything. I made a chicken sausage with roasted vegetables and orzo the first day, and then a big roast beef dinner the second, but that was really it. I used to plan out something good for every meal, and now it just doesn't even occur to me.
I'm glad to be more apathetic about food, but I should probably step it up a bit when I have guests! I need to remind myself that they still like to eat! It's not that I don't like to eat...it's just that I don't care about it that much. I eat for fuel. I can eat the same meal 7 times in a row if I have leftovers. It's strange.
I should have one big BBQ before the season is done. I need to feed the people.
I am the same way, but just attribute it to my laziness. HOWEVER, I always have the good chips!!!
Yes, but you love chips. If I loved them, I would have the good ones too! I always have the best fresh fruit! LOL
You spent way too much money feeding all of us fatties so I'm glad you're not doing that as much... and the fact that you don't put on a big spread hasn't caused the people to stay away so whatevah!
We should all take your cue and eat less [cept Krissy]
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