This week has given me a run for my money. I can handle a lot, but even for me, it was a stretch. I couldn't have accomplished everything I needed to, without the amazing people in my life. (I sound like I won an academy award. Really, I just did some work, homework, lake stuff, and prepared for company...close enough.)
I'm so busy every weekend, because if I'm not working or doing homework or cleaning, I like to enjoy the precious days off of summer. I'm always on the boat or parked at cupcake island or hanging out with my friends. The point is: my lawn was very very overgrown.
I kind of overdid it with the outdoor seating. We have 4 lawn chairs, 4 fake Adirondack chairs, a picnic table, a bench, another bench, and an outdoor patio set (not counting all the furniture on the porch, and certainly not counting all of the portable chairs that we have). I have to move a ton of stuff when I mow, and it's just a pain. Sometimes I procrastinate about it. :)
When I got home from work on Wednesday, I noticed that my whole lawn had been weedwacked and mowed. Jimmy came over and did the whole thing while I was gone! What a huge help! The next day, he moved my boat trailer from my driveway to his house so that it would be out of my way, and this morning, he came over and brought a ton of things to the dump for me, that were too big for the normal weekly pick up.
Jimmy has always been unbelievably helpful to us, and he doesn't really like being thanked, so I have to think of a way to show him our appreciation for all he does without scaring him off.
Alison has always been a friend I can rely on. When I used to move every other day, practically, and couldn't afford to hire movers, Alison was always there, packing, moving, speeding things along and making it fun. When I decided to remodel an apartment that I didn't even own, Alison was there, tiling the floor with me, and helping me paint. If I was 10 hrs away (or more) and I needed Alison, she would be there in an instant. It is a wonderful feeling to know that someone has your back, no matter what. Alison spent hours cleaning and tidying our house yesterday. We have company a lot (almost daily I think), and it's a lot to keep up with. I enjoy it, but my house is never the way I want it.
It was an amazing help for Alison to clean while I did homework, took a test, worked, and cleaned as well.
I've mentioned my ridiculous cat before. He has an overeating disorder, like a dog. He would eat himself to death if we let him. He got into the room where we keep his food, and he opened the bag and ate himself sick, and he got sick, all over the house. Alison picked it up the first time, because I'm completely unable to deal with it, but then he kept going and going...in the corner, on the rug...I wasn't sure if I should throw the rug out or the cat out. (joke)
Stephanie came over and she cleaned up the whole mess, changed the litter box, scrubbed the rug, and then vacuumed!
Although we (mostly Alison!) got a lot done yesterday, we probably had about 10 people over yesterday, so we had plenty to do this morning as well. Darcy ran around the house like a mad woman all morning, while I did the shopping and some school work that I *had* to do, as well as some cleaning too.
There are never enough hours in the day, and I'm just so lucky to have so many wonderful and amazing people in my life who keep me on track when I bite off more than I can chew. It's so important to have a good support system, and it's the same thing with my weight loss. Those of you who have been with me the whole way, encouraging me and telling me I look pretty and 12 (TJ, you are insane), you are making this journey so much more fun and enjoyable and that much easier.
Thank you all! I am truly blessed.
PS - I'm down another lb today for a total of 152 lbs lost. 3 more lbs until I lose Marcel/lo!
You've done many zillions of things for me and always have my back too... but you're welcome - I'm happy to help you and Darcy out in any way I can. You feed me and put me up all the time so the least I can do is help you out!
Can you send Alison, Jimmy, and Darcy to my house. I have plenty of work for them!!
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