Ice Cream Bombe -- Summer's Easiest Dessert?
11 years ago
I had lap band surgery on 10/3/2007. All in all, I lost about 160 lbs....and then I found 30 of it back. I am going to lose that 30 again, and then another 50+. Come join me in my journey!!
Very professional. You look like a gal that could get things done and then go dancing!! If I know you that is probably your agenda
there is something seriously wrong with you
hey - my boss just called me SLIM
pretty good!
forget the quality of the suit, what the HE** size is it?
and yes, you're slim
you look like you're a size 12
my mouth dropped open and I cut my chin on my desk when I saw this
Ha! I look different when I'm not in my baggy shorts and t shirts, huh? LOL
It's a size 16, but that's kind of like a 12 on me, because I'm an amazon woman. JK! I wish.
Kristin! OMG. You look fabulous! In the picture you look like an 8. I can see what your boss called you slim! YOU ARE!
I went from a 12 to an 8?! LOL
Now I feel like the camera must be telling lies because I do not look like a 12 or an 8, but THANK YOU for saying so!!! XO
You look absolutely gorgeous!!!
Wow! Absolutely gorgeous?! THANK YOU! I should dress up for you people more often!
Skinny??? Oh, Yea!!!
Gorgeous? No bout a doubt it...
You are amazing.
Thanks, Dad!! :)
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