The machine allows the kids to jump, and they jump way up high! So fun! There is a maximum weight limit, however, set at 70 lbs. That's not very much weight. They actually weigh all of the kids before letting them use the moon walk. Lots of kids were turned away, and many of them were older, but some of them were just bigger for their age. I also some some children step out of line, as soon as they heard they were going to be weighed. That would have been me as a kid.
I wasn't fat - I was an active kid, but I was certainly on the husky side. I've always had a big frame, and I was much bigger than my skinny little friends when we were growing up. I remembered hearing that the Ground Round would charge parents their kid's weight for their dinner, and I was horrified at that thought. I knew I weighed more than other kids my age, and I knew that wasn't a good thing.
All the little skinny kids didn't think twice about standing in line and getting weighed in front of a crowd. Then they got to do the cool moon walk after, which the bigger kids couldn't. I felt a little bit bad for them, and hence today's topic: skinny people have all the fun.
There were so many things I skipped out on when I was bigger. Some things because I didn't have a choice, and other things because I didn't want to put myself in a spot where I may be embarrassed. When I decided to have weight loss surgery, I started to get over those hang ups, even though I hadn't lost any weight. We moved to the water last year, and before, I never would have gone on boats because I would have worried I was too fat.
I was huge last summer, but for some reason, since I knew I was taking care of it, I started getting over it before I even started losing it. So many of us let our weight and body image issues hold us back from doing things we enjoy, and it's not necessary. If you don't like your weight, try to fix it, but in the mean time, LIVE.
This is not a dress rehearsal, so make it count!
Did Jack go on that thing? I guess not otherwise you would have mentioned it.
I know how you feel in that my weight holds me back but it never occured to me not to go on a boat [cept that little bench you had]
but I, like you, will be doing more and more things as we shrink. I can't think of anything you couldn't do now that a truly skinny person could do [except maybe run a marathon]... you should totally try water skiing before the summer is out.
And you could do the Boston marathon by April if you started training now.
Just sayin
jack and ben both went on the thing. it was adorable!
Good to hear. When I used to invite you to join me in town, you would say I can't go at this weight. Now you have no excuse. You will be tripping the light fantastic with me soon.
that's true - i did say i was too fat for boston
sadly, now i'm just too old
31 is not too old for Boston, ya stoop
You're just too mature for those city kids, huh?
If you are too old then I am an antique. No excuses, I am even thinking of buying you some new fancy dancing shoes. I am thinking mary janes!!
Mary Jane's?! Over my dead fat body!
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