Friday, August 29, 2008

Waddle away

I've read that after significant weight loss, it can take 1-2 years for your skin to shrink back into place. I'm lucky that I have youth on my side, but at the end of this weight loss, when I'm hopefully down 2 bills, I am going to have to have some pretty snazzy skin to hope it all shrinks back into place.
If I'm not happy with the way I am after all this work (and waiting to see if it does spring back somewhat), I'm going to get plastic surgery, absolutely. I won't be able to truly feel like a thin person if I end up having a deflated fat suit under my clothes.
I know that's gross, but I'm just being honest. I still have a good 40+ (or more) lbs to lose, so I don't know how I'll end up. I know that the more I work out, the better my chances are, but if it comes to it, nip/tuck, baby.
Plastic surgery is one thousand times worse than the lap band surgery, so I'm not looking forward to it. I've met lots of people on line that have had it, and it's totally gross. You're out of commission for like 6 weeks, and there are drain tubes (gag), and bruising and nastiness all around...BUT, the end result is fabulous.
So we'll see, but I just want to mentally prepare all of you that this may be in my future. Deep breath. ;-)
Weight loss update

Still no change in the scale...I won't worry about it if you don't. :) I went through the same thing in January, as I've mentioned before, when I was sick for a few weeks, and immobile and not making the healthiest choices...it took a little bit to get back on track, and I went 3 weeks or so without any change.
I think I'm going through the same thing now. I'm back to making the good food choices, and the weight will follow. I've been slow to get back into my work out routine, which isn't helping, because I've been so over extended, as well as achy.
I few weeks ago, I tripped and fell hard on my left knee on cement, and it hasn't been the same. It's swollen and it creeks when I go up and down stairs. I can't bend my knee back very far either. Also, I pulled a muscle in my lower back last weekend, so as a result I'm afraid to do upper or lower body weight lifting. I think swimming would be a good cardiovascular work out, but I canceled our memberships to Hampshire Hills. With my schedule as it is now, there is no way I would be able to get there more than once/week, and it's just not worth the $170/mo for that.
Lanie joined a gym in Manchester with a pool, and I'm going to check it out and hopefully join it. I may go down there today.
The weight will start coming off again soon, and I'm just going to keep doing the right things. Even though my weight isn't changing, I think my body is shrinking, and that is just as fun if not more so!
Keep your chin up, dear readers.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
You look awesome!

Anyway, I am seeing a bunch of people I haven't seen in a long time, and some people are afraid to say that you've lost weight...they think that may offend you by somehow implying you were overweight before.
Noo, I was never overweight. That large person in the red shirt was merely big boned! :)
I don't mind one bit when people tell me I look like I've lost weight. I clearly have, and I was clearly extremely large before. It wasn't a secret, and I think everyone knew. LOL
Anyway, there are still those overly sensitive folks who are afraid to tell me I look thinner, so they tell me I look great! or awesome! or fabulous!!, and ironically, I always seem to run into these people when I do not look great, awesome or fabulous. So they give me this nice compliment, and I have to take it, but I feel silly because I look baaaaad. Maybe not as bad as when I was a lot bigger, but compared to my good days, bad.
I can't have all new clothes at once. The suits I was thrilled to fit into a few months ago now look silly on me, and it is what it is. I have to wear them until I can't, and I'm not getting new clothes every time I drop a few lbs.
I guess I could at least have nice hair...DARCE! ;-)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
New to me, anyway
Another day, another dollar...spent...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Finding the right size

I need some new shirts. Everything I have is either way too big or too small. The stuff I have inherited is all women's clothing, so while the pants fit, the shirts are ridiculous. I put on a women's button down shirt yesterday that fit me fine around, but my long arms were sticking out 4 inches past the cuff. I have really wide shoulders, so shirts are hard for me. I need to go shopping tonight because I have a new (to me) suit that I'm happy to wear (as it fits) but I have nothing to wear under it.
Yesterday was extremely busy. I was working and on the go until 9PM, and my mind wouldn't stop racing with all I had going on. I couldn't sleep last night, and I was up most of the night so today I'm dragging. I should have purchased a coffee on the way in.
Speaking of which, I cannot eat and drive. When you are banded, you have to be able to eat slowly. If you take too big of a bite, the food gets stuck and it's very painful. You can either suffer through it or spit it up. I know, gross. (Not as gross as being 200 lbs overweight, though)
Yesterday I stopped by Dunkins on the way to a meeting, and I purchased an ice coffee and a turkey sausage multigrain flat bread for lunch. I didn't realize it, but they gave me a turkey, bacon and cheese flat bread - not what I ordered. Oh well - I didn't have time to get anything else, and I started to eat the sandwich while driving. I was in a rush, and I wasn't thinking, and all of the sudden, I had a giant golf ball feeling in my chest (technically, my esophagus).
It wouldn't go away, and it was very painful, and I ended up having to spit up my food into a bag that almost started leaking all over my suit. Nice. Very nice.
So, I must plan to be much better about planning to eat when I have time (which isn't always possible), and no more attempts at eating in the car when I am distracted.
Monday, August 25, 2008
What a beautiful weekend!

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Whatcha eatin'?

I think I went through a similar phenomenon this past winter (late December or early January) when I had the same sickness, and it put my weight loss on hold. I think I went through a three week time span in January when I was sick, and I didn't lose any weight. As soon as I felt better, I was back with a vengeance! I can't wait to hit that point again, but I know I need to get better first.
For now, I'm going to do my best one day at a time, and I'm going to hold myself accountable by posting my daily food diary:
Breakfast: Kashi Multigrain Blueberry waffles with sugar free syrup
Lunch: Grilled Turkey Kielbasa with caramelized onions, mustard and horseradish on a Joseph's Flax Oil/Whole Grain Tortilla with baby carrots
Snack: Kiwi
Dinner: I plan to have 3 oz of grilled pork chops with garlic grilled green beans and baked sweet potato "fries"
Daily totals
Calories: 858
Fat: 32 g
Fiber: 24.3 g
Protein: 54.6 g
Acadia National Park

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Soooooooo ready for a vacation

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Update from the MD

I went to the MD, and she gave me meds for bronchitis as well as a new type of inhaler. She said it sounded like I was only getting a tiny bit of air into my lungs (not surprising, as I haven't been able to breathe in weeks), and that I'm very sick. I don't know if she is just being motherly or what, but she's very sweet. She said she's very concerned about me, and I need to take a few days to rest.
I have so many things on my plate right now, I don't know how I can rest, but I may work from home for a few more days. I'm at one of the hospitals now, and I don't want to see anyone because apparently I look so pale. That's what my doctor said. She said everyone must be telling me how pale I look. LOL
She was concerned that the bronchitis may have blossomed into pneumonia, so she sent me to the hospital for a chest x-ray. In the picture above, you can see lungs that are cloudy as a result of pneumonia. I don't know my results yet, but I'll keep you posted.
In the mean time, I'm hoping the new (stronger) inhaler will work, as well as the drugs. She prescribed me something with codeine too, so maybe I can sleep through the night! That will be a good start. Overall, I don't feel deathly, just weak, tired, a little shakey, and the whole coughing and inability to breathe thing...I really was much worse at the beginning...
Nice Dinner
I used one of my staple marinades: fat free italian dressing with reduced sodium soy sauce. I tenderized the tips, and they were grilled to perfection...my version of perfection anyway... I'm looking forward to having them again for lunch today.
For breakfast, I will have 2 Kashi multigrain blueberry waffles with sugar free syrup. If I have extra room, I will have some kiwi on the side, and if not, I'll have that for a mid-morning snack.
I'm glad to be focusing on healthy foods again, and not just whatever is the easiest to grab. I'm still sick, and I think that if I eat healthy and continue to get a lot of liquids, I'll start to get better. I'm taking vitamins again (I've been bad about that), and I may even take a Claritan today to see what happens, but I just hate how they make me feel.
Last night, I worked until about 8ish, and then we watched CSI. After that, we went to bed and took nyquil. I slept okay at first, but I was up coughing and sweating, but freezing for quite a bit until I ended up taking nyquil again. I think this thing is trying to work is way out of me, and I'd like to help it. :) At this point, I'm pretty sure a lot of it is allergy related, and I'm thinking about getting a prescription for some allergy meds.
Today I have a full day of work, plus a draft of a paper I need to finish for school. We have a lake association meeting tomorrow night, so I have somethings I need to get in order for that tonight as well, since I'll be heading to the meeting directly from Boston tomorrow.
Stay well!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Junk food

Michael Phelps
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Great success

Friday, August 15, 2008
Let them eat junk!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Noooo, I'm not calling him a loser. I am calling myself a loser, and this fine specimen is going to be my next person lost. TJ weighs in at a lean and muscular 177 lbs. I don't know if you can tell from the picture, but he appears to have a cigarette in his right hand. That is before he quit smoking. He is doing a FABULOUS job, and we are so proud of him. You can read all about his journey on his blog. He is hilarious, and his blog is much more entertaining than mine.
So I'm 22 lbs away from losing my dear TJ (you know him from the comments as "Tom" - he thinks that's his grown up name or something). In the last 2 months, I've averaged a 2.25 lb loss per week. If I continue along that path, which would be swell, I will ditch TJ by mid to late October, and I could be down as much as 170 lbs by my one year bandiversary date (10/3). That would be cool, because I was originally hoping for 150!
I have about 40 lbs left to go to reach my original goal, although I will continue to evaluate it as I get closer and closer. I had planned to reach my original goal in February, but if I continue at this pace, I'll hit it by the end of 2008. I can't imagine what I will do with myself once I'm at goal.
What details will I bore you with then?
I'm sure I'll have plenty. ;0-)
I seem to have misplaced a cute Brazilian
However, looking at him in this picture, I'm wondering why I would want to lose him and keep lumpy old me... Hmmmm.... perhaps I should rethink my strategy... ;-)
My next human lost goal will be posted soon!
Strange day...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Dunkin Donuts goes healthy...ish

Bad host

1 lb of fat (gross)

Monday, August 11, 2008
Phat clothes

My new obsession is my need to clean out the garage, and since I was too sick to deal with it yesterday, we decided to start working on it by going through all of these clothes. As it turns out, the pants all fit me now! I was very surprised. I figured I could fit into certain size 16 pants, but not all of them, but pair after pair that I tried on kept fitting!
The next pair of men's shorts that I had to fit into were a size 34, so I decided to try those on last night, and they fit too! They were snug, but they fit. Size 16 women's and size 34 men's is slightly misleading for me, because while the bottoms fit, I still have a lot of weight on top to lose. I'm not even close to wearing the tops she gave us, although I did fit into a size large men's sweater, which I also found to be a miracle. :)
I'm still up a lb or two, but I know it will be gone tomorrow. Even though I weighed less on the scale a week ago, I didn't fit into the size 34 shorts, so my body is shrinking and catching up with my weight loss, and that is a really cool thing!
Yesterday I was back on track with healthy eating, and I had 902 calories for the day. I'm still sick with the cold, and I was up coughing all throughout the night (worse than the past 2 nights for some reason), so I may call the MD today to see if she thinks it's more than a cold/flu. I am looking forward to getting well so I can start working out again!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Grass fed pork

This was the first time I had ever had grass fed pork, and it was delicious. It doesn't even taste like the pork that you buy at the grocery store - the difference is even more dramatic than grain fed verses grass fed beef. The pork was so moist, tender and flavorful. When I buy pork chops at the grocery store, they are fed grains (which they too are not intended to eat), and they are loaded up with growth hormones and antibiotics, and tons of other chemicals, and they lose all flavor, and almost all nutritional value.
It costs a good bit more to buy locally grown grass fed meats, but the animals have a much healthier and happier existence, and they are so much better for you. It's unfortunate that in many cases, this kind of food is cost prohibitive, but I do think that if you can buy it in bulk, there is definitely a savings. I am in the market for a freezer for the garage, so that I can get some good deals from the local farms.
I still don't know where I've landed on the whole organic thing, but I think I really need to eat locally grown organic produce, and locally grown grass fed, free range meats...I'm still working through the grains, and I'm trying to drastically limit the amount of processed foods that I eat, but it is hard. I'm not fanatical, and I don't think it will kill me to have corn fed meats when I'm at someone's home or at a restaurant. I think that as long as the majority of the time, I'm eating the healthier meats, it will make a big difference in lowering my cholesterol, raising my omega-3 intake, and lowering the amount of unhealthy fats (and chemicals) that I'm consuming.
I encourage you to give these meats a try!
Meal plan

- vegetable omelet
- yogurt + kashi
- kashi waffles + fresh fruit
Lunch options:
- leftovers (preferred, as dinner is usually my most well balanced meal)
- turkey ham on joseph's tortilla with fresh fruit or veggies
- tuna on joseph's tortilla with fresh fruit or veggies
- hummus and cucumber on joseph's pita
Dinner options:
- Mesquite chicken salad with whole grain croutons
- Hoison pork chop with vegetable "fried" rice
- Whole grain english muffin pizzas with fresh carrots and celery
- Grilled marinated chicken breasts with low fat potato salad and yellow and green beans
- Teriyaki beef tips with potato salad and garlic snow peas
(It's not realistic to plan to make seven separate dinners for each night of the week because when you are only eating 3 oz. of lean protein per serving, there is bound to be leftovers, even beyond lunch time. If anything, we would go out for sushi for a different meal option this week.)
- Watermelon
- Nectarines
- Cucumbers
- Celery
- Carrots
- Kiwi
- Strawberries
- Fruit salad
- Yogurt
- 99% fat free single serving popcorn (100 calories/4 grams of fiber)
I have heard some bandsters say they do not snack, and that they only eat their 3 meals per day, and that's it. If that works for you, great. I eat when I'm hungry. That is often between meals. I had breakfast 2 hrs ago, and I'm not ready for lunch, but I could go for a nectarine right now, so that's what I'll have. We all have to do what works best for us, individually.
The road to recovery

I've made a practice of giving into my urges since I've been on this journey because that is what works for me. I know it wouldn't work for everyone. For me, every diet I ever had ended when I "fell off the wagon," and gave in to have something that was bad. I decided that in order to end that cycle, I shouldn't be on the wagon to begin with.
I eat healthy because I want to eat healthy, and I enjoy eating healthy. The rare times I crave something that is unhealthy, I have it, in moderation, and then I get back to my healthy eating. I think this is how the thin people do it, and it seems to work for me. These past two days, I just really wanted junk, and I had it.
I'm feeling better today (about 70%), and now all I want are healthy foods. I had a sugar free carnation instant breakfast for breakfast this morning because I know it's full of vitamins and nutrients, and it seemed like a bit of a cleanse from the foods I've been eating.
It's amazing how much more I can eat when I'm sick with the flu. I think it's largely because I'm eating softer foods that travel through the band easier than meats, but I also had an increased appetite for sure. On Friday, I consumed 1405 calories, and on Saturday I had 1770. Last week, even with those high days, I averaged 1100 calories per day, which is within my range. I'm not justifying that those two days were okay, because even if I ate 800 calories of junk food per day, that would be missing the point, it's just interesting how I can eat whatever I want for two days and still be within my target calorie range for the week.
At this point, I'm not sure if I'll make it to exercise today, but I will definitely be on the healthy eating bandwagon.
I'm up a few lbs today. I know that some of it is water weight, since I consumed a ton of sodium the past two days, but I probably put on some real weight too from sitting around, not exercising, and eating junk food. I know it will all be gone in a few days, and hopefully I'll be losing Marcel/lo this week!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Last day

I'm giving myself the rest of the day to be sick, and I'm determined to feel much better tomorrow. I'm invoking my process of mind over matter. ;-)
Seriously, though, it's been two days of being plopped on the couch, eating whatever I want, and not moving. I feel gross. I know most of that is because I'm sick, but part of it is because I'm not eating like I normally do.
Tomorrow I plan to feel better, and I'm going to put my meal plan in place, grocery shop, get some work done, and hopefully exercise, as long as that's not pushing it, and as long as my fever is gone.
I've been drinking lots of liquids and getting LOTS of rest, although I did manage to get some work and lake association projects done this AM before loading up on the cold medicine, so I feel good about that as well.
We only have a few weekends left of summer, and it's been killing me to watch the boats drive by my house on this beautiful day, but such is life. I want to get this over with as soon as possible, so if that means missing a sunny Saturday, so be it.
Shout out to little Benny (nephew) who turned 3 today! Happy Birthday, buddy!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Good little girl scouts

I took time off while they were here, but in my down time, I still had work to do and homework to do, so I couldn't stay on top of things as much as I would have liked to. Every time I turned around, they were doing dishes, laundry, taking out the trash...I felt like a loser!
They are too good, and I'll just never be as good as they are, so I'm not going to try. :) I wish I had done a better job of keeping up with things, and I think that if I didn't have quite so much on my plate right now to keep up with, I would have done a better job.
They are going to need a vacation after visiting with me!
xo! :)
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I'm coming down with something. I thought it was allergies, but I woke up really early this AM with tightness in my chest, burning in my throat and an annoying cough. I am too busy to be sick, so this better be a false alarm!
Skinny people have all the fun

The machine allows the kids to jump, and they jump way up high! So fun! There is a maximum weight limit, however, set at 70 lbs. That's not very much weight. They actually weigh all of the kids before letting them use the moon walk. Lots of kids were turned away, and many of them were older, but some of them were just bigger for their age. I also some some children step out of line, as soon as they heard they were going to be weighed. That would have been me as a kid.
I wasn't fat - I was an active kid, but I was certainly on the husky side. I've always had a big frame, and I was much bigger than my skinny little friends when we were growing up. I remembered hearing that the Ground Round would charge parents their kid's weight for their dinner, and I was horrified at that thought. I knew I weighed more than other kids my age, and I knew that wasn't a good thing.
All the little skinny kids didn't think twice about standing in line and getting weighed in front of a crowd. Then they got to do the cool moon walk after, which the bigger kids couldn't. I felt a little bit bad for them, and hence today's topic: skinny people have all the fun.
There were so many things I skipped out on when I was bigger. Some things because I didn't have a choice, and other things because I didn't want to put myself in a spot where I may be embarrassed. When I decided to have weight loss surgery, I started to get over those hang ups, even though I hadn't lost any weight. We moved to the water last year, and before, I never would have gone on boats because I would have worried I was too fat.
I was huge last summer, but for some reason, since I knew I was taking care of it, I started getting over it before I even started losing it. So many of us let our weight and body image issues hold us back from doing things we enjoy, and it's not necessary. If you don't like your weight, try to fix it, but in the mean time, LIVE.
This is not a dress rehearsal, so make it count!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Oh, my aching back!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Hungry day

I eat if I'm hungry. I don't starve myself because I'm supposed to stay around 1000 calories per day. I never average 1000 calories per day. Yesterday I consumed 1408 calories. I wasn't binging...obviously... I just ate when I was hungry. Even with that, I averaged 765 calories per day for the past week.
I can tell today isn't a hungry day. I had trouble finding the oomph to eat all of my breakfast, but I know I need to get my meals in.
Yesterday we had a nice active day swimming, playing with the boys, kayaking, boating, etc... My grandmother came up, and it was great to spend time with her as well. My sister went kayaking for the first time, and she did great!
Today I'm working a half day, and the fam is going to the beach, so I think I'm going to the gym to work out legs today. My upper body has had plenty of work throwing my little guys around, so we're good there.
My weight is the same. Maybe I'll lose a lb tomorrow since the hungry horrors are now gone!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Two little monkeys
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Thank you!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008
I'll take it.