The water weight from surgery is finally coming off. I thought it would have been sooner, but who knows. I was finally down about 2 lbs today of the 8 I was up after surgery. Hopefully the rest will be gone soon - mainly just because I'm uncomfortable being so bloated. I'm not actually worried about the number on the scale, as I'm trying to heal.
What a weekend. I spend most of the day yesterday in the ER. First because Darcy fell and managed to somehow break her shoulder, and second because my poor grandmother fell and broke her hip! If bad things happen in three's, as they say, I'm hoping my gallbladder surgery counts as the first of three because I'm to tired for another crisis.
My grandmother is having surgery today to repair her hip, so I'm hoping that goes as well as possible. The poor woman was lying on the floor of her apartment all night long until a neighbor found her (thank God) the next morning.
I'm still sore from the surgery, and the pain makes me sleepy. Darce and I went to bed at 8:30 last night, but she woke up in pain at 1AM, and I couldn't fall back to sleep until 5AM. After trying for an hour, I decided to use the time to get some work done, so at least it was productive.
I don't know what to do about Florida. I need a vacation like you wouldn't believe, but it's going to be hard to travel with broken shoulder McGee... I've already paid for the house we're renting in FL as well as the hotel in Key West (and the plane tickets), so it may be too late to reschedule even if we want to. I'm going to look into this today.
If we do postpone the trip, I'm still going to take a little bit of time off. Work has been very challenging this past week, and I just need some time to decompress. Everything will be fine.
I'm hoping to be good as new in a few days so that I can get back to the gym. I feel flabby. We can't have that.
No, you certainly don't need another crisis for cry eye!
It's worth looking into postponing the trip even though that would be unfortunate... If it's feasible, you're probaby better off waiting.
Poor Darcy and your poor grandmother. What a weekend!!
You definitely need some time off. I am trying to contemplate if I should do the same...lol
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