In preparation for our Halloween party, Darcy and I took on a few major projects around the house...mainly related to organizing our clothing. I always seem to have an insane amount of clothing - I'm not sure how this happens, since I don't feel like I ever shop... Still, as I lose weight or move, etc, I always find myself with tons and tons of clothing to get rid of.
Darcy and I have a very small stackable washer and dryer at the house, and it's easy to get behind in laundry as a result. I wanted to get fully caught up on laundry, so we went to the coin-op laundromat down the street. We managed to spend over FIFTY dollars on our laundry. Now that it's all clean, we are trying our best to figure out where to put it all... I think we probably have over 100 t shirts between the two of us...I can't imagine why...
Anyway, the picture above is all of our mismatched socks. I'm going to try to match them up, but we already have 3 small drawers full of matched socks. I can't imagine where I would put these, or why someone would need so many socks. Seeing the giant pile of mismatched socks made me pause to consider how something could get so out of hand...both the purchasing of such a large quantity of socks, as well as the neglect to match them up, for what must be an extremely long time period.
It reminded me of my weight struggles. I don't know how I ever allowed myself to abuse my body so severely that I got as big as I did. I have a good self esteem, and it's so out of character for me to be slovenly. You would think at some point along the way, I would have said enough is enough before growing to be *200* lbs over weight... Yes, I dieted, but I should have tirelessly fought to get healthy. I grew complacent, and then all of the sudden, I was enormous.
I'm growing tired of my plateau. I'm not discouraged and doubting my journey, but I'm starting to feel fat. I'm still 40 lbs overweight, and coming off the high of losing 160+ lbs, I felt thin, but now that I've been losing so slowly, I've gotten really used to being the size I am now, and I feel like a bit of a fat slob. It's just not a nice feeling. I need to spend more time exercising, and I know that will make all the difference I need.
I'm looking forward to putting my surgery behind me. I made it a full day without an attack today, so that is a good thing!
I'm off to match up my socks!
I can't over that picture of the socks - oy freaking vey!
You need to stop buying socks and match up the billion pairs you have~!
and I can't blame you for feeling sick of being on a plateau - it's been too long, you need to get back to losing... which you will after surgery!
When I was young my mom used to brib me to match socks. She would give me a dime for every pair matched correctly...the pile often looked like the one in your picture so let me tell you I was feeling like a pretty rich lady by the time I was done...now if you want to up the pay out to a quarter, I would consider matching your socks for you! (oh and did I mention you would also have to throw down for a plane ticket?)
Step away from the socks.
Ok you need to get rid of yoru socks. I am sure there are some homeless people who are not that worried about their socks matching. It with be cathartic to get rid of it.
Fifty dollars in laundry. Osh Kosh bogosh what are you 2 doing up there???
TJ - Kristen and Darcy have about 7000 pairs of perfectly good socks and your suggestion is to throw them all out and start over??? Rather than match them up?
You really are a shop a holic.
No, since she already has 3 draws filled with socks, my summation is she does not need these others and should give to a charity...lol
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