Lately, I have had to work a lot harder to stay on track than I normally do. I know I blame a lot of the things that have come up as distractions, and that is valid to a point, but it's been harder than I thought to get back on track. There were several days last week when I decided I needed to make more of an effort to grocery shop, plan my meals, etc... Things keep coming up!
Yesterday, I finally went grocery shopping, but I just wasn't up for cooking. I still feel pretty tired from all life's recent events, and my energy level just isn't where it normally is. I have been given the gift of time, and I want to use it wisely, but it's hard to not want to just relax for a few days, accomplishing nothing.
I know I deserve to take a few days off, but I really don't have a few days to spare. I have work that is due for school, I need to start a job search (although I am blessed to now have two very promising opportunities that I have been approached about), I need to get caught up on so many things I have pushed aside...I will feel better mentally and emotionally if I accomplish the things I would like to accomplish.
Once I feel as though I'm in a better place to take a few days off, then I will take a few days off. I need to snap out of the haze I'm in and get back to living my life and my routine. I started off the day yesterday with a healthy breakfast, but then I felt lazy and tired so I ate take out leftovers for lunch and got a pizza for dinner. That would be okay to do if I hadn't been eating take out for the past two weeks!
It's time to get those fresh, home made foods back in my system! I went to the grocery store, but I only had enough oomf to get one meal's worth of food to cook. That's okay. I will cook that meal for lunch today, and we will be taking Alison out for dinner tonight (Happy Birthday, Alison!), so tomorrow, I can finish the rest of my shopping for the week. Every recipe I thought of making just seemed so overwhelming...I can't just buy meats and vegetables because I have to go to the natural foods market for those, so the things I can buy at the regular grocery store are always more complicated.
I will make time to go to the natural foods store today or tomorrow. As for today, I'm making my chicken sausage (organic) and roasted vegetable orzo dish with whole grain orzo and reduced fat feta. I love this dish, and I always get many, many meals out of it, so that's nice to have in the house!
I'm going to work on my case study for a bit, and when I'm ready for a break, I'll start cooking the lunch. I think I need to take a vitamin or two. I haven't been eating a well balanced diet like I used to, and my body feels blah. I may go to the gym today too - just to go. I know I'm not allowed to work out, but I believe I am allowed to walk slowly on a flat surface, and while that probably won't melt the lbs away, it may help my mental health that misses being active and working out, and it may help me feel like I'm getting back into my healthy living routine.
My new (used) iPod arrived in the mail earlier this week, so I'm going to sync all of my music, and perhaps download a few shows to watch. I do want to take it easy because I'm having trouble with one of my incisions, and although I'm now on antibiotics, I know I need to be very careful. I think I'll go tanning today too when I go to the gym. I know it's bad for you if you overdo it, but I only go a few times a year, and I don't think that can be too harmful. It's just sooo cold out, and I miss the sun and the warmth.
Thanks for the bday wish...
I didn't know your incision caused you to be on anti biotics... I guess I'm out of the loop.
You do deserve to take some time off. Two offers, I am sure you will have even more to choose by weeke's end...lol
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