It's 7:30, and we're leaving in about 15 minutes. We are supposed to get to the hospital at 9:15, so 90 minutes should give us *plenty* of time. I don't want to be late like I was last year, even though it was only by a few minutes...I feel a little hungry, and I can't eat or drink anything, naturally. I don't know when the next time I can eat will be. I just googled this, and it looks like I can eat fairly soon after surgery (maybe tomorrow), but there is usually a very strict no fat diet - not even lean chicken or anything like that. That's fine...I just want to be well.
I can't wait until this is behind me so that I can get back to my healthy eating routine. The strangest things have been setting me off (like salad) while other things (steak and mashed potatoes or spaghetti) have been fine, so I've been eating the foods that don't bother me over and over, and they aren't exactly a well balanced diet. I haven't cared because all I wanted was to avoid and attack, and if those foods worked, who cares.
I haven't gained any weight, but I haven't lost any either. I think I was down another lb over the weekend, but it's back today, so we'll just wait to make sure it's gone for good to count it. The past two weeks have been tough, as I have been sick off and on the whole time, and unable to exercise or feel like myself. I'm very eager to get this behind me, and get back on track.
I will check in post op. Thanks for all the well wishes!
PS - I hope you all enjoy this historic day in American history, regardless of your party preference. :)
Glad you are doing better. Call if you need anything.
Yes, call if you need anything and thank goodness you're finally getting this taken care of!
The boys and I prayed for you that all will go well! We love you!
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