My plan worked. As soon as I came too, I was coherent and asking to get dressed. They still made me wait for an hour while they observed me, but they skipped the admitting part. I read my chart (naturally), and it said that the patient awoke from anesthesia with good color and coherence, asking for her clothing. LOL.
I'm home now and very sleepy. Darcy is at the store getting me soup, popsicles, pain meds and movies. I'm cuddled up on a chair with a blanket, italian ice (for my sore throat from the intubation), my computer and a terrible movie. I really hope she gets home soon with better options because I may have to ask to be readmitted if I'm stuck watching the Simpson's movie for another minute.
My pre-op RN remembered me from last year when I had the lap band, and she was really surprised about the progress I'd made. That always feels good! The anesthesiologist was getting into a joke argument (joke, as in I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt) with one of the other RNs about our new "terrorist affiliated" president. She sees the silver lining as the fact that at least we can move away from this affirmative action stuff.
I'm opinionated, but I always give the other side my attention so that I'm not blindly making decisions, however, there is a time and a place for these discussions, and the operating room is not that place! Thankfully, I'm amused by social faux pas, so I just laughed at both of them.
That's really it - I'm on bed rest for the next 24-48 hrs, and I can eat anything I want after 24 hrs. For the next 24 hrs, I'm to avoid heavy foods, which is why I'm sticking with popsicles, sherbet, crackers and light soup. After that, I will ease my way into a normal diet.
Thank you all again for your prayers and thoughts and words of encouragement. I'm very lucky to be living in 2008 and to have a truly awesome surgeon. I wasn't nervous for one second, and that's only because I know and trust my surgeon so much.
Glad you are on the mend!! We were worried. We also knew you would recover in record time (yawn). It is becoming too predicatble...lol
Glad everything came out OK
No surprise that you were out fast - as TJ - yawn - show us something that'll really impress us... I think you should become the youngest and 1st woman president... 1 2 3 go!
and that is IT about the stoops in the OR
and even more IT that you actually blogged after surgery -
very glad to hear it's all behind you and you're on the mend...phew! get better quick
So happy it went well and hopefully you'll be good as new ASAP!
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