Darcy lost her job, I had to have surgery, Darcy broke her shoulder, my grandmother passed away, and I lost my job on Wednesday. This is all within the past few weeks. Darcy thinks we should play the lottery because something is up.
I'm not devastated about losing my job. I'm ready for something new, and I feel like I have some time to figure all of that out with my severence package. It is still scary owning two homes with new mortgages on both, while the two of us are unemployed in a record breaking terrible market.
Thankfully, I'm really not one to give into fear or panic or anxiety. I have some options, and although I'm not sure what I want to do, I'm hoping I'll know more after a meeting I have this morning about a potential job offer. The position would be local, so I would have a 10 minute commute (I've never had that in my life), and the position is very interesting and I would get to broaden my skill set. It seems like an exciting opportunity, but nothing is set in stone, so I'm not getting my hopes up too high.
I'm looking forward to having some time off. I've been *so* busy this past year, I would like to have some breathing room to get caught up on all those pesky life things that fall by the wayside. I have a lot of those. I also thought this would be a good time to take the courses for my personal trainer certification, so I'm going to look into that again.
On the food front, I haven't been great with all that's been happening in the past few weeks, but that's mainly because I haven't had time to plan proper meals. I think the dust is finally settling...for real...so I am going to go grocery shopping today to get back on track with a well balanced diet.
My weight is still the same. My knee feels fine, and as soon as I have clearance to exercise, I will!
It's been a terrible few weeks but it'll turn around Sal, it always does...
You are right! This has been bad for everyone, but you and Darcy have had your share and several other people's share of bad news.
I know someone will be smart enough to scoop you up soon!!
WOW...that's a lot to deal with but I know you can and will deal with it as new opportunities and adventures arise. The cream always rises to the top! Hang in there, deep breath, the best is yet to come.
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