I have been taking percoset every 5 or 6 hrs, and like clockwork, as soon as it wears off the pain is BACK. It woke me up in the middle of the night, and I took my pills, and then fell back asleep. As soon as 5 more hours passed, I woke up again in pain, but this time it was 6AM, so I thought it was time to get up.
I went to bed at 8PM last night, but I had been dozing off and on on the couch (more dozing than not) since 4:30 or 5. This week has taken a lot out of me! The MD prescribed me vicodin earlier in the week for my pain, which isn't as strong as percoset, so I took that this AM. I am going to try to work from home today, so I don't want to be nodding off or loopy. If I need something stronger for the pain, I'll take it, but it's worth a try.
They said the IV makes you gain up to 10 lbs of water weight, and I was up 8 this AM from yesterday...does that mean I'm down 2 lbs? JK. I'm most *definitely* bloated, but obviously, that is not a concern for me right now.
I walked around the house last night to get myself moving, and I went up and down the stairs about 20 times. Today, I'm going to go for a short walk...about a mile...as soon as the sun comes up. I know I will heal faster as long as I move more, in a responsible way.
I know I'm an optimist, but I'm pretty sure I'll be good as new by Saturday, and significantly better by tomorrow.
I will keep you posted!
Sorry about the pain. So glad you addressed this problem and don't have to go through that pain anymore.
I am very confident you will heal in record time you overachiever you...lol
I thought you were supposed to be on bed rest for 24 - 48 hours? That does not mean 20 flights of stairs or working from home or anywhere else!
You're going to end up w/ adhesions.
You're killin me...
Take it easy and walk around A LITTLE to get yourself moving, over doing it is not the answer miss over idiot achiever.
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