My grandmother and I had a lot in common, but there are some traits of hers that I wish were part of our commonness, such as her OCD like cleanliness, frugality, and inability to gain weight!
She would always say how she loooooved vegetables, and she'd rather have her greens than chocolate ANY day. God love her. ;-) That's not to say she never touched bad foods - Darcy and I used to take her out for seafood all the time, and she cold eat any fisherman under the table! She would pile in the onion rings, baked haddock, scallops, lobster, shrimp - whatever you put on her plate went in!
"I'm not very hungry, but if YOU girls want to get something to eat, I suppose we could," she'd say. I would pretend that I was the one dying to go out for seafood even though I would always (ALWAYS) order chicken, and that "not very hungry" little thing would polish off her entire plate, and often a lot of mine!
I loved watching her eat, because she was such a little bitty thing, but she could pack it away! Adorable.
Darcy and I always looked forward to seeing her, and we always had a blast with her. She was 55 years older than me, but we laughed and joked together like we were the best of friends. I have a lot more to say about her, but I'm going to put my thoughts together carefully to be read at the service on Monday.
I am going to miss her terribly, but I have a lifetime of fond memories, laughs and a heart full of love for her.
My grandmother looooved to dance when she was younger, and I hope she's off kicking up her heels right now!
That is a great tribute - sad and funny - you described her perfectly and I'm sure she's kicking her heels up, having a ball for herself in heaven.
What a nice tribute to your grandmother. It is so hard to lose the people we love. I am so glad she didn't suffer as well.
Im so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Haven't been reading your blogs lately but even with everything you've been going through you are doing a tremendous job and you look great.
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