Some of my darling employees sent me a get well basket from edible arrangements on Friday. It was so sweet of them! I just love fresh fruit, and it really brightened my day!
I've been on a bit of a food bender the past few days... I'm
PMSing, and I'm feeling under the weather from the surgery, and probably more sorry for myself than usual since things have been so crazy these past few days, so I've just been eating whatever...
I am not up for cooking, and Darcy can't even move, so we've just been ordering in each meal...even if you try to pick something healthy, it never really is.
Enough is enough. I feel gross. I know part of that is because I'm recovering still, but the other part is because I've been fueling myself with junk food. Yesterday I had 1/2 a bacon burger for breakfast, a slice of pizza for lunch, and
mozzerella sticks for dinner. Gross.
I ordered a salad for dinner, and I got the
mozzerella sticks as an appetizer for Darcy, but I ended up eating those instead of my salad because it was just easier than all that cutting up of chicken and lettuce... How lazy can a person be.
On the flip side, apparently my gallbladder surgery worked because had I eaten that food before, I would have been on the floor in pain. I'm not sure that's a good thing... ;-)
I've let myself be slothful for the past few days, and that is coming to an end today. I'm going to plan my meals ahead of time until I'm back in a groove with cooking so that I can ensure I'm eating healthy.
multigrain cheerios with fruit and skim milk
Lunch: grilled chicken salad
Dinner: pork chops with a few baked sweet potato fries and green beans
Snack: fresh fruit from my edible arrangement!
Alison was a savior and came up on Saturday night to help clean/wash dishes/etc, and also just to wait on me and Darcy. It was a tremendous help, and I'm so thankful. She stayed until mid day yesterday, and I missed her when she was gone!
Out of me and Darcy, she wins for the most sick, so I'm in charge of everything, and on my feet and moving around more than I'm really comfortable with. My Dad is coming tomorrow to stay with us for a week, and Alison was a great help by changing the sheets in the guest bedroom, doing the dishes, sweeping, etc... I still have a bit more that needs to be done before he arrives, and I think I'll see if Stephanie and Carolyn can come over tonight to help. Alison offered to come back after work, but that's crazy, as she works in Burlington, MA, and she doesn't get out until 6.
You are very sweet, though, Ali!
As I've said before, I'm extremely lucky to have such wonderful friends that I can count on when I need to.
My grandmother's surgery went well yesterday, and my Dad will be helping to get arrangements together to move her into an assisted living facility while she continues to recover.
I was able to postpone our trip to Florida, and while it's slightly disappointing, it's more of a relief. If you could see how much pain Darcy is in, the thought of schlepping her down to Florida in one week would probably sound horrifying, and not at all relaxing or fun, to you too. :) The poor kid. We are going to try to get an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon today, and I'm hoping there is *something* they can do to help the kid out. She's just in
excruciating pain constantly, and so she's drugged up on pain killers and stuck in either a chair or bed propped up, just hoping to fall asleep so she's not in pain.
Somehow, I was able to change our tickets for just $20/piece, and our hotel in Key West honored our November rates for January, surprisingly! The car rental is going to be the same cost too. The house we are renting in Ft.
Lauderdale, however, is double the nightly amount in January. We could stay at a really nice resort for the same price as it will be now, but that's not what I want. I want to stay at a house so that we can save money on meals and be able to buy groceries and cook for ourselves to stay healthy while we're down there.
I'm checking to see if the rental agent has any properties (with a pool!) that are cheaper for January, where I won't lose the deposit I already sent... cross your fingers...
I suppose you are now completely caught up on my little life, so I will sign off for now.
Stay safe...it's a jungle out there!