I think when I'm the size I am in the pics above, I'll be about 20 lbs over my goal weight, but I could be very wrong too. I won't know until I get there.
Boy, am I glad to be 31 instead of 21. 21 was terrible - no money, no house, bad car situation (thanks to crash mcgee - HEATHER!! ;-)), boring job, part time student...come to think of it, the only difference between 31 and 21 is the house! Oh, and I like my job. LOL
Part of me is looking forward to being 41. I'll be even more financially stable (hopefully), this housing crisis will be long gone, and I will have unloaded my other house, I will have been at a healthy weight for 9 years, I'll be done with school, and I will have bought another property, probably in Florida or Maine, that I love to visit. I will have a lifetime of memories created in the past decade that I was able to live fully. I don't know if I'll still be living where I do now. I'd like to be living down the road in the giant house with a pool and 400 feet of water frontage, instead of the 63 feet I currently have...I don't think those people will ever move, though, and I don't blame them...
I'm not rushing to get older, but I'm perfectly fine with the thought.
LOVING those pics. You actually still look exactly the same with shorter hair. Don't rush to be in your 40's.It comes quick enough!!
Don't rush the 30s... although you;'ll probably be young and energetic at 40 too.
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