It was much more crowded when we were there last night, but the picture I took with my phone didn't come out very well. The inside of Quincy Market is lined with restaurant after restaurant, as far as the eye can see. We walked up and down the entire thing because my cute mother wanted to check out every option. She decided upon a Philly Cheesesteak...in Boston...yeah, I know! ;-)
The Darce and I got Pizzeria Regina. I hadn't had that pizza since I was a kid. It's really good, and the crust is thin and crisp, so I don't have trouble getting it down...sort of... D and I each ordered 2 slices of pizza, but she said she'd eat my second piece if I couldn't, and we both knew I wouldn't be able too, but when I'm hungry, I forget how little I can eat.
I was really hungry, and I ate my first pizza, no problem. I knew I didn't have room for a second, but I had a little bit of room left, so I started eating D's leftover crust, which was thicker than the pizza I ate. It got stuck in my throat, and I had to spit it up...into Darcy's cup...at the table. She was not pleased. She was already overheating, and she had warned me that I probably wouldn't be able to eat the crust, but I ignored her because I really thought it would be okay.
I was wrong.
She told me I have to be more responsible with my band because it's not good for me to spit up food all the time. I don't spit up food all the time, but I do it more than I should. I still get confused because one day one thing is fine, and the next day, it could be a problem. I'm learning, but I do need to slow down when I'm eating. I'm actually really good about that, except when I've waited too long to eat. At that point, all rules are out the window.
I try to avoid getting to that level of hunger, but it's harder when there's extenuating circumstances. In general, I eat when I want to eat, and I don't wait for D to get home from work, etc... It's important for me to eat early in the night, as well as when I'm hungry.
My poor mother sat by quietly, staring between us as Darcy scolded me and huffed and puffed while I furnished kindergarten excuses for my behavior. Sorry, Mom! Stick around, and I'm sure you'll see a repeat performance next week!
LOL, no, I'm going to make a conscious effort to be much better about eating slower, even when I'm stahvin. I think that when D tells me to slow down or warns me that I can't eat something, I get annoyed. This is MY band. I've done the research, I read tons of online posts daily about what works and what doesn't, I've read every book on the market about the lap band, I'M a model bandster! I know deep down she's right when she says these things to me, but that annoys me more, and I end up punishing myself.
Enough of life's little lessons.
After our divine dining experience, we stopped into several cute little shops. I got Darcy a bumper sticker for her kayak that says "Warning: Irish Temper; Italian Attitude"
If you knew Darcy, you'd realize that this is a very funny bumper sticker for her, and yes, she happens to be half Irish and half Italian.
My Mom insisted that we visit the Harley Davidson store, and she posed out front with her favorite bike:
My father is probably spitting out his coffee all over his computer screen right now, laughing. My mother detests bikes, but what a good sport she is. :)
We walked around for two hours in the sweltering heat, and the we loaded our wilting selves into the car for the drive back to NH. I stopped for the girls to get an ice cream on the way home to cool them off.
Today my Mom is heading up to the beach for a week. D and I are dropping her off at a friend's house shortly, and then we are heading to the gym. It's supposed to be another day in the 90's, so I plan to spend most of the day neck deep in water!
I'm down another 2 lbs today, for a total of 131 lost. (4 lbs until I lose Carmen!) Unfortunately, this marks the beginning of a non-loss week, so I will have to savor the 6 lbs I lost this week for the next 7 days. I can make it, and who knows, maybe I'll surprise myself and lose more!
I am exhausted just reading this. Who is this active, energetic gal?
now it's 131! I feel like you're losing weight so quickly... oh ya, I was days behind on the blog.
Darcy is right but you are also very good about not eating too fast most of the time.
but 2 pieces of Regina's pizza? I would never have thought you would finish that! Those pieces are big, unlike Christi's at the beach.
i know, i know...i only can eat one, but when i'm really hungry, i get confused, and i think i can eat more. :)
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