This is supposed to be my losing week, but I'm so bloated. I'm sure it's related to the imminent arrival of dear Aunt Flo, but I'm not loving it, and it's making me hungry! The last two days I have had NO problem reaching my 1000 calorie mark, and beyond! I didn't get to 1100 either day (which would be fine), but still....
A few days ago, I felt like my fill was so tight, I couldn't get anything down. Now?! I'm pretty sure I could swallow a freight train! I have scheduled a fill for next week. By then, I'll probably think I'm crazy, but I can just get a small one.
I didn't work out yesterday because my neck was really bothering me from tubing, and I didn't want to hurt anything. It's still bothering me today, so I think I will go to the gym after work, and do lower body. If the rain clears up, I may hike Rock Rimmon as well. Rain, rain, go away!
Oh yeah, since I'm down 126 lbs, my BMI is now 18.5 points lower than where I started. To quote Larry David: "Pretty, pretty good."
I wish I could take lady medicine for bloating, but alas, it makes me breakout in hives, so I will weight it out. ;-)
Just drink a ton of water and your bloat will magically disapear!
I don't know if that's true - just sayin
Hey Kid:
I was out of the loop and just caught up with all your blogs. I am exhausted just reading them. Are you trying to kill your parents?????
You are doing great! I saw you yesterday and really you are a new person.
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