"I hanker for a hunk of
A slab, a slice, a chunk of
I hanker for a hunk of cheese!"
All you X'rs out there must remember this guy from the after school commercials on TV - helping kids to make healthy choices for snacks. Who knew that years later, the suggestion to have cheese and crackers would be seen as unhealthy?!
Anyheezy, I seem to have lost my band. LOL I know that I was hungry the past week +, related to TOM (time of month), but it's not getting better, it's getting worse. Yesterday I made myself a huge salad with a bunch of chicken on it for lunch. I was starving as I made it, but I thought I would never be able to eat all of it.
I was wrong. I ate every last bite. It took me 30 mins to finish, but I finished it. It's not the end of the world, it's salad - I get that, but for dinner, I was starving, and I didn't make a great choice as a result. Yesterday it was rainy, and I had to commute to Boston. I spent 4.5 - 5 hrs in the car, and I was grumpy and exhausted by the time I got home at 7:30ish.
D was going to order Chinese, and I had something healthy picked out, but we decided to just eat what we had in the house to make it quicker, so she made this pasta dish she makes with these tiny little pieces of pasta (no problem going down the band), ground beef, butter and a little parmesan cheese. I love this stuff, but it's junk food, so I rarely eat it - maybe once every 3-4 mos.
Normally, I have a tiny little portion, but not last night. Last night I ate as much as she did! That never happens. I know they are tiny pieces, so it goes right through the band, so I get that, but still, I would normally stop myself after eating a small portion because I know it's not the best choice in the world. Not this time! I ate the whole thing. I was stuffed after, and in all reality, pre-lap band, I would have seen last night's dinner as a very small one, but that doesn't make it ok.
It's morning, and I went to bed with a full stomach, but I'm hungry. I'm usually not *that* hungry at this point in the morning. Even though I've only lost 1 lb in the past week and a half, I seem to be shrinking. The suit I wore yesterday didn't fit me 2 weeks ago, so things are shifting. I've noticed that along this journey. The scale does not always reflect changes to my size.
Anyway, as I continue to lose, my band loosens around the top of my stomach, because I'm losing fat in that area (as all areas), so it's not as tight. I have made an appointment for a fill, and unfortunately, they can't see me until June 24. For the next few weeks, I will just have to be extra cautious of portion size, exercise and making healthy options. I think I had gotten spoiled by having such a tiny appetite for so long, when I found myself having to make the decisions on my own, I made the wrong ones.
Well, at least for last night. Other than that, my choices have been fine, but I want to nip this in the bud.
Today I'm going to have a Fiber one bar for breakfast, grapes for a snack, a grilled chicken salad for lunch, 94% fat free single serving popcorn for snack, and a grilled turkey burger on a whole grain english muffin with veggies (TBD) for dinner. That will be a well balanced day of food. I will also hit the gym today, which I didn't do yesterday as planned since I got home from work so late and tired, and if the weather's nice, after the gym I will do some type of exercise outside as well.
This is supposed to be my losing week, so it's time to start losing!
I am not sure where you find the time to plan out these meals. Last night I had a bowl of frosted flakes, followed by a snack of peanut M&M's and potato chips. Can you plan my meals too?
asidi de pepe!
I'm sure I mis-spelled that.
You'll be fine until your fill. You will feel hungry but I know you will make yourself be 'good'. I feel hungry every day - welcome to my world!
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