I avoid Market Basket like the plague. I gladly spend more money to shop in a cleaner, prettier store. As I mentioned, however, I'm going to try to eat great foods without breaking the bank. I stopped at Market Basket on the way home from work on Friday (mistake - it was full of people, seeming to be straight from an 80's zombie flick), and I purchased all the items needed for my current meal plan. I spent $50, and I *know* it would have been $80 or $90 if I went to one of my usual stores.
Part skim mozz cheese was $2.99. I usually pay $4.99 or $5.99. The salsa I bought was also $2.99, and I usually pay $4.99 for the same brand. I purchased a whole cooked chicken for $3.99. I can't get them raw for less than $7 normally. I could go on with more examples, but you get the idea.
Sadly, I think I've concluded that I would shop there again to save that kind of money. With gas prices as they are, and the economy as it is, we all need to find ways to trim the fat. This is my first step, and I don't like it.
They just opened a market basket in Reading. I was thinking the same thing, I should try it to save some cash. I may follow suit, and try this as well, but you know I am shallow and superficial, not sure if I am the right demographic for shopping there.
I told Kristen the same thing... that I would try the MB in Reading but alas Saturday rolled around and I went to one my usual places [Lucci's market in Reading].
Maybe next week I will try the new MB - I need to save money.
and KC - good for you for going to a place where you can save money although I have the feeling, you don't be back any time soon.
There is a big Demoulas in Salem, you may want to try that
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