Friday night, I was doubled over in pain twice, but it only lasted for 15 minutes each time. I thought it was some kind of crazy gas trapped in my upper abdomen. Saturday morning, I had the same pain, only it wasn't as severe. I didn't know what the problem was. Last night around 9, I started having a similar pain, only much worse, and I realized it was the same pain I'd had a few weeks ago, when I thought I was having a gallbladder attack.
At first it was really severe, but then it got to be less severe, and I was hoping it would go away. I tried to go to bed after 2 hours, but I couldn't sleep. It was getting worse again, which concerned me since all the other times, it would start off worse and then slowly get better. D and I headed to the ER. 1 in the morning on a Monday morning is a good time to go - it was like a ghost town in there.
They ran a bunch of standard blood tests, as well as an abdominal ultrasound. I don't have gallstones, but there was thickening of my gallbladder wall found on the ultrasound, which could mean I have a gallbladder problem (disease) without stones. In order to confirm this, I will need to have a HIDA scan, which is a nuclear medicine test that tracks the gallbladder function through a dye injected into my blood stream. Unfortunately, I can't get an appointment until 6/30, and that's just for the consultation. I'm going to call around, because 4 attacks (one major) in one weekend is not a good sign.
I'm on antibiotics for now, and I have some pain meds should I need them. I'm just hoping I don't get another attack, but that's doubtful.
We got home from the ER at 4:30 am, and were asleep by 5. Today is a tired day. I'm feeling better, but my body is tired, and my stomach isn't quite right. I'm up 3 lbs today, but I'm sure it's water weight from the IV I was on last night. That always happens.
Ya, I'm always up a few after my IV treatment -
Glad you're feeling better and maybe the anti biotics will help stop the attacks for now. Although you're always so good about eating healthy, you had some foods that were a little on the rich side [for you] which could be the culprit. I don't think you should live w/ out such foods all the time and you're very good about not indulging but while you're having the issue, you may want to steer clear... at least until they can pinpoint what's up.
Get some rest today!
Sorry you are not feeling well. I don't even have any good gallbladder jokes, well except this one: An old fellow came into the hospital truly on death's door due to an infected gallbladder. The surgeon who removed the gallbladder was adamant that his patients be up and walking in the hall the day after surgery, to help prevent blood clots forming in the leg veins. The nurses walked the patient in the hall as ordered, and after the third day the nurse told how he complained bitterly each time they did. The surgeon told them to keep walking him.
After a week, the patient was ready to go. His family came to pick him up and thanked the surgeon profusely for what he had done for their father. The surgeon was pleased and appreciated the thanks, but told them that it was really a simple operation and we had been lucky to get him in time. "But doctor, you don't understand," they said, "Dad hasn't walked in over a year!"
Wow-i'm so sorry you have to go through this...i hope you can find a good place that can get you in ASAP.I understand gallbladder attack are incredibly painful-I hope you're ok.
Okay so you best be keeping yourself in good health because I am now counting on your visit west. Keep us updated on the test results and be well. xoxox
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