I'm meeting up with Brooke tonight, so I'll get ready soon, but if I didn't have plans...it's a scary thought. ;-) Also, with Darcy home all the time, and our newest addition of Henry, I just don't have any quiet space. Our home is very open concept, which I like, but it's just not conducive to working from home.
Thanks to the economy, one can now rent furnished office space for a song....Laaaaaaaa! I'm singing! I decided I wanted office space asap yesterday afternoon. I visited 3 places, and I picked one. I'm moving in tomorrow morning. That's how I roll. Hey, we're lucky I visited 3 places. The old me would have signed on the dotted line after seeing the first one. I knew it was fine, and I didn't want to waste time office shopping if it wasn't necessary. I'm growing up, so I kept all 3 appointments, and toured all 3 office spaces. Naturally, I'm still going with the first one I saw. It must be out of habit. :) Just kidding - it's the best deal.
What does this have to do with my health you ask? Good question! The office is in downtown Manchester, actually located on the block pictured above, only the opposite side of the street. The office is three miles from my house, and with the spring and summer weather coming, I plan to commute on foot or bike most days.
I think having a nice outdoor commute will give me plenty of time to focus, have some quiet time in my head, and burn calories at the same time (while leaving less of a carbon footprint!). Also, if I happen to miss my workout for a day, at least I will have gotten 6 miles of walking/jogging or biking in!
My gym is about 1.5 miles from my office, so I can jog or bike to the gym at lunch, lift weights, and jog/bike back, avoiding the gym based cardio. Sweet deal! Plus, I'll be right downtown, and even the days I drive in, I will take breaks every day to go for walks downtown.
I'm *really* looking forward to this, and I can't wait to move in...tomorrow!
You got a great deal and working from home gets old fast for sure!
It'll be great to walk or ride the bike to work when weather permits -
Great move!
Sounds great-but how you gonna leave that baby boy!?! Congrats!
We are so very different. I would have vistied 15 spaces, thought about it for severl weeks, then had sleepless nights wondering if I made the right choice....lol
The phot you used of Key West, Duval Beach, is my shot! You didn't ask my permission and copied it from the internet. I see no credits to the photographer, so I want you to remove my shot! Thank You!!!
Here's my link to my site:
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