6:30 PST, that is...9:30 EST. I've been up since 4:30, and I'm exhausted. I only have one more day in San Diego, so it would be really lame to go to bed now, but I'm tempted! I'm going to dinner with Darce and TJ at 7. After that, it's lights out for me. Sorry, kids. I've done well under the circumstances!
We met a friendly ship captain in the hot tub this afternoon. He recommended a great restaurant in Little Italy, and I'm looking forward to a nice Italian meal. I'm suspicious of finding good Italian cuisine in San Diego, but he says Italian is his favorite kind of food, so I'm going to trust him. TJ and Darcy (the real Italians) aren't that picky about Italian food, so who am I to worry?!
We had a nice breakfast, although mine made me sick to my stomach. Here are some pictures:

Darcy posing innocently with her fresh squeezed orange juice.

Me going on about heavens knows what...and looking like my dearly departed Aunt Donna. Darcy laughed so hard at this picture of me, she started choking.
TJ laughing at us in general...

This is one of the views from the hotel room. Darcy and
TJ went for a walk while I rested in the room.

Me before the presentation...you can hardly tell I have pneumonia, and that I really just want to curl up into a fetal position and melt away into a warm, soft place.
Me and TJ - what a good looking bunch.
The presentation went really well. I was very pleased with all of it, and several people approached us after about utilizing our services. $weet. :)
I don't know if it was because I was so tired/sick, or because I just knew the material well, but I wasn't the slightest bit nervous at any point. That was nice. I'm not one to really get nervous about public speaking, but every once in a while I may get a few jitters right before I begin...not today. I could have fallen asleep mid sentence, I was so calm...yeah, it must be the illness...LOL
I'm glad I can finally relax for the rest of the trip. Hurray! I made it! Pneumonia is no match for me!
wish you were a little closer to the northern part of this great state. I don't think I've seen you in approximately 5 years now! It's crazy because in all the pictures you look the same but totally different. I mean I know that it's you, but you just look so fantastic that I have to do a double take. I know you're still working on the last stretch of weight loss but just know that you look fabulous now too! Anyway, glad the conference went well...I still have no idea what you do now...I mean work wise. But whatever it is, I have no doubt you're good at it
Glad it went so well and you can get some well deserved R&R from the trip! By the way-you don't look at all sick! You look incredible-and healthy! What gives!?!
so $weet of them huh? LOL even down out and out, sick, tired etc. etc. etc, you're still funny and creative -
Glad it went well and you both looked great in the picture!
and yes, you're right TJ and Darcy aren't picky, give them each a plate of chix parm and they're good to go -LOL
How was the dinner?
Carmen - it's been WAY too long. I thought of that too - how it's such a shame to be in your state and not see you, but I'm like 8 hrs away. It would be like you visiting Ohio, while I'm in NH...Why the heck is this state so big?! LOL I totally wish I was going to see you!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much - you are so sweet! Someday, when you're older, I'll tell you what I do. ;-)
Lanie - I'm just that good looking.
Ali - the meal was good! Not North End good (by any means), but good like the good Italian restaurants that are outside of the city.
Congratulations - I'm sure you were great!
YAY... I'm sure that's a big relief! I'm so happy you got out there safely and through the presentation without choking : )
You guys look MAH-VE-LOUS!!!
Did anyone ask for your biz card? ...LOL
Hi to TJ and the Darce
I can attest the sick kid did a great job.
Hi Kitty, I think your website will put us over the top, we did hand out many cards.
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