I thought the dog was barking with my beginner poses, just wait until I do the scorpion pose!
I found a cool web site that has lots of yoga poses with instructions easy enough for any beginner to follow: http://www.abc-of-yoga.com/yogapractice/postures.asp
I did all of the warm up poses and many of the standing poses. There were too many to get through in one session, at least at this point, but I feel fantastic after. It was amazing how much more limber I was at the end of my workout than the beginning. I think I'll be hitting the Bikram classes sooner than later!
My co-inhabitants didn't seem to get as much out of my yoga session as I did. Henry kept barking at me, because he didn't know what to make of all of it, and at one point, Darcy burst out laughing hysterically to the point of tears. She couldn't breathe!
I worked up quite a sweat, and now I feel completely relaxed. I'm going to do yoga every day, but I will lift weights and do cardio as well for a more comprehensive workout plan.
You should look into Pilates as well, it helps drop the lbs as well. You will be the picture of physical fitness.
Remember: If you loook good, then you feel good - Billy Crystal
It's great that you're doing the yoga and I'm sure you will be in the Bikram classes soon.
Great work
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