I've been up 6 lbs with my salty carb diet this week, and I had the same diet yesterday, but for some reason, this morning I was down the 6, plus one more. It makes no sense. I had about 8 crackers and soy milk for breakfast yesterday, steak and potatoes for lunch, and a small cold cut sub for dinner. I was over my points for the day, but this morning I'm down.
The weird thing is, I kept having dreams where I knew I had lost weight, or people told me I looked like I lost weight. Huh? That is weird. I attributed the dreams to Alison's comment on my Henry blog saying I looked skinny (which I do not obviously, but I don't even think I look fat/skinny, but I appreciate the compliment!!), so I figured that is why I had the dreams, but to be down 7 lbs from yesterday this morning, that's just weird.
Alison, keep the comments coming. Perhaps my subconscious is working overtime to make my body lose weight. ;-)
I took my temperature this morning, and I have a fever again. It's mild - 99.5, but I still shouldn't have one since I've been on antibiotics since Tuesday. I will call my MD when they open the office at the leisurely hour of 9AM.
I have to head into work today. I really want to just take it easy and get some rest, but I really need to spend some time at one of the sites - it's a long story that I can't get into, but you can take my word for it. :)
I'm going to leave shortly, but I'm hoping I won't have to stay long.
Be well, and dream skinny!
7 pounds over night?
wow, sign me up!
Take it as easy as you possibly can today so you can get better and be sure to call your doctor back at 9!
feel better
SIGN ME UP! 7 pounds tht is almost alll the weight I need to lose in total. I eat crap everyday, am sure I am always over my points (not evn sure what that means), and never lose anything. You wer eborn under som elucky star
Lucky star? Nice Madonna refernce, Mary. ;-) JK
I gained 6 lbs in 2 days, and then I lost 7 overnight...it's not exactly a Christmas miracle. LOL
You kids are phunny.
Just showing off my new picture
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