1. Henry
2. Health insurance
3. Getting a paycheck during these uncertain times
4. Living on the water
5. The Darce who takes care of me when I'm sick
6. A Mom who always taught me to see the positive in things
7. A Dad who always taught me to find joy in giving
8. A Sister who taught me to find edification in reading great books, and who is a shining example of the brilliant woman who can do it ALL
9. Nephews who are so cute and sweet and never fail to bring a smile to my face
10. A support system of family and friends who always believe in me
11. Friends and neighbors who are always there for me
12. Work that stimulates my mind
13. Living in an area where I can kayak, bike, hike and swim just by walking out my front door
14. Creativity that allows me to write, paint, sing and create, whether I'm terrible or not
15. The lap band
16. Unconditional love from God
17. The ability to run (kind of), kneel, hike, bike, do yoga, and all the other things I couldn't do before
18. My hot tub :)
19. Fall in New England
20. Ft. Zachary Taylor beach in Key West
21. The ability to travel
22. The ability to lead
23. Self-confidence
24. Having happiness and fulfillment in my life
25. Free blogging! LOL
Those are not in order of importance - that's just how they popped into my little head.
I saw the MD yesterday, and I'm on a very strong regimen of antibiotics in the hopes that I will be well for my trip on Monday. My fever is much lower than it was yesterday, and I'm definitely on the road to recovery.
I'm hoping to be able to take it easy for most of the day today, and I'm working from home. Unfortunately, I must work as there are very time sensitive projects I'm working on, but I'll do my best. My head is still fuzzy from being sick and having a fever, but I'll make it.
I'm hoping to make a lot of progress with my recovery today, as Thursday and Friday are now booked solid from appointments I had to postpone. I have the weekend to finish all of my work, but I'm hoping it doesn't come to that. I want to get rest to get fully better before leaving, if I can.
The antibiotics make me very sick to my stomach, so my MD told me to take them on a full stomach. I did, and today I was up a few lbs, but I don't care because the antibiotics didn't make me sick, and usually, this kind makes me so sick, I can't even take them. My first priority is getting well. I'll have plenty of time to eat healthy and lose weight when I'm better.
I'm holding off on exercising until I'm well. It's too bad because I was finally in my groove again, but I'll find it again, just like Stella!
I hope it's as sunny where you are as it is where I am. It just feels like spring is in the air!
I know you said the list was not in any particular order but LOL that you thought of Henry first...
Take it as easy as you can today and I hope you feel better...
How could I not?! LOL
Your son is adoreable and shhould be at the top of the list. I was glad to see cornbeef wasn't on there
I loved your list - it made me smile! It's amazing how many wonderful things have come into your life since living in your house. Just being on the water raises your quality of life so much.
Off topic: I posted this on the evil Facebook, but I thought you should know. I met with a personal trainer yesterday (one hour free with gym membership). She gave me a fitness assessment: flexibility is fair, strength is on the low side of good, but cardiovascular fitness? In that category I'm an elite athlete - at least as compared to other women my age! My oxygen intake is great; she said I must have a very strong heart. It totally cracked me up. I never thought I'd hear my name and "elite athlete" in the same sentence. :-)
I missed something-why are you on antibiotics? Do you have a sinus infection/something? Sorry you are so sick before getting ready to go. I noticed alot of budding on the tree's and thought of you. As exciting as it is to see spring, we know it's not easy for you! Thank God for seeing that very full glass!!!
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