The most noticeable change was the product placement...everywhere. I always liked that WW taught you how to eat healthy, natural foods, unlike other programs that force you to buy their own meals. I know that WW still encourages participants to make their own meals, and I also know that they can't miss out on a huge market share by not selling any diet foods, but it just seems to have taken a turn...
The meeting was not bad, and the leader was quite comical. I heard the same old WW things that I've heard since I first joined...probably 12 years ago...to park in a far away parking spot to get a few extra steps in when you're in a parking lot, and that being on a plateau is still better than gaining - both true, and both old standby's. :)
The difference was the product placement during the meeting. The leader would be talking about the importance of exercise, and suddenly, she would hold up WW exercise DVDs that we could use...then she would talk about the importance of walking, and she would hold up the WW pedometer...at one point, she talked about being on an exercise bike at the gym and how she always reads the WW magazine (which she then held up for us to see), and how it passes the time...not to mention all the 1, 2 and 3 point snacks that they offer.
I don't mind that they are trying to find new ways to make more money or to stay in business, but it was just a big difference from the WW meetings I used to attend. It was nice to be back to good ol' Weight Watchers. :)
I'm tracking all of my points online on the WW site, as well as tracking all my foods on fitday.com. It's a bit redundant, but I like to track the details that fitday tracks, beyond just the WW points.
I was hungry today, but I made it! I didn't really come close to eating my full points for the day, because it seems to be a lot more than what I normally allow myself, but we'll see...
We didn't exercise today. I did a good bit of walking, and now that I'm winding down from working, I would like to do yoga, but I'm completely exhausted. I've been fighting off something, and that coupled with my crazy schedule and new puppy, I just don't have it in me. I plan to work out first thing in the morning tomorrow.
Joining WW has given me a renewed focus, and I think it's just what I need for now. I'm glad that Darcy is eating healthy too!
The weight loss industry is so profitable, I would think there was something wrong with WW for not trying to carve out their own market share.
Good for you with your renewed focus!!
Instilling a new layer of accountability and having a new focus can only help the cause!
Good work.
It's so much easier to do something when you have someone else doing it with you. That's why I always make my husband work out when I am, otherwise I get bored really quick. BTW and don't kill me for this but I need you address again to send out the baby announcement. The one I have is from Lynn, MA and I don't think that's accurate...I swear I will save it to my desktop this time so I don't have to keep asking! email me: carmencobabe@hotmail.com
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