There have been several times recently when I have ordered a meal that didn't come with a vegetable. In fact, I've noticed the majority of restaurant meals don't come with vegetables. I find this so strange. They are happy to load you up with potatoes or rice pilaf, but where are the green beans?
If a meal doesn't come with a vegetable, I usually order one on the side, most often salad because I love salad so much, or sometimes I will try to get a vegetable instead of the starch they are offering.
Were restaurateurs raised differently than I was? I never heard of a meal without a vegetable...especially if it's dinner. Isn't that a fairly common theme? I feel like in years past, the vegetable was a given, and now it's not anymore.
I wonder if restaurants stopped including them because they threw too many sides of gray broccoli out. Whatever the case, I'm going to start asking restaurants why a vegetable isn't standard with an entree. Hopefully, if enough people ask the same question, we will start seeing more of them on our dinner plates when dining out!
I never heard of a restaurant that doesn't offer a veggie w/ a meal - where have you been eating?
Glad you're including veggies despite the lack of a veggie...
I think you may have hit the nail on the head. Do you know how many untouched veggies on the sides restaurants have thrown out because of me alone. I probably started this trend.
Notice they still offer desert...lol
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