I worked out at the hotel gym yesterday, and it was really neat! The cardio equipment each had an individual tv screen built in, but the cool part was that you could dock your iPod right into it directly and watch any TV shows or movies you have on your iPod, right on the screen. Very cool. The hotel we stayed in was fantastic, and we had a great time walking around downtown ATL. Everyone is so friendly - it's a riot.
This morning, I went down to the gym, but I was having trouble with my key card, and I couldn't get in. I was going to go to the front desk for help, but then I decided I would go for a jog instead. I love early morning inner city jogs...apparently. :) I've always liked the idea of them, and now I know I like the act as well, however when I started, I headed straight up a hill and I thought I was going to have a heart attack! :)
I have to run, because we are meeting the fam at the aquarium in 28 minutes! This should be fun, and I think we'll get a bit of walking in as well.
I'm just so impressed that you still find time to blog daily even when vacationing! Hope you have a great Christmas...ummm Christmas yummm...I love being pregnant for the holidays, it just opens so many doors for over indulgence that can be excused.
I like the idea of early morning jogs as well. Just the idea, not the actual act. Your hotel sounds very nice. I am glad you are having fun. Have a nice holiday.
I'm impressed too - from the tile to the pavement - wow.
That gym sounds GREAT! Did you bring your Ipod? Did Darcy go to the hotel gym w/ you?
I like the idea of an early morning jog too... just like TJ, I like the idea of it, I can't imagine doing it.
I couldn't jog in morning or afternoon or evening...
But I would maybe try an early morning walk.
How about this? How about I commit to going for a morning walk every day in Florida? Instead of going for early morning drives like we did in Machias Maine, we can walk instead.
Carmen- you are so cute!!! Enjoy everything you can, because I know you'll be back to your thin lifestyle as soon as you crank out the next baby!!! :)
Ali - it's a deal! They have our gym down there too, so we can do early AM work outs also. :)
Me and my boca grande...
You're all hysterical! Merry Christmas!
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