That's how I feel today - 27 months pregnant. ;-)
I ate junk yesterday - I'm not sure why. I started off the day well having a grapefruit for breakfast, and then I had turkey soup for lunch, but we went to the movies, and I decided to have a treat of popcorn, and then later we ordered in for dinner, and I had a prosciutto and mozzarella panini that had too much olive oil, and I ate it late, and today I feel really bloated and fat.
Since we've been off our routine for so long, I've noticed that my bad food choices happen more frequently. Since I've been on a plateau, I've also noticed that my weight doesn't change whether I eat 600 calories a day or 2000, and perhaps that has made me lazier.
I think it's just the lack of the routine that has lead to us eating out more and ordering in more, and that has gotten me off track a bit. I don't mind eating something fattening from time to time, but those times need to be fewer and farther in between then they have been.
For now, I'm going to post my daily nutrition intake on my blog, as well as my exercise. Darcy is going to try to start eating healthy as well, so hopefully we can get rid of the junk food that is in the house. Normally, I stay away from her treats, but lately, I have been sampling some of them from time to time. Thankfully, I don't like most of what she likes, but I know it will be great for us if she eats healthy and starts working out with me.
I just wish it were warmer so we could do our cardio outside. I really loathe the whole hamster on a wheel gym thing, although I do like the lifting part.
When I get home from Boston this afternoon, we are going to go to the gym together. I'm not sure how much she can do with a broken arm, but she can certainly do something. :)
I feel like you do, bloated, gross and I haven't been planning and cooking... it's all bad!
Glad that Darcy is going to start eating healthier, that'll help your cause too.
Hampster on the wheel - LOL, I get it
Where did you find that photo of me?
Yay for Darcy. I wish I could nmake myself eat healthier. Yet I am addicted to peanut M&M's
What do you think you're doing to my poutine partner! Hands off!!! Actually, to me it's good incentive for eating very healthy the rest of the week. But exercising with a broken arm/shoulder!?! I guess the bike would work...good for her!
Could you post your meals for a week? I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong.
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