I've been a Snoop Dogg fan for 15 years, and seeing him play the role of a father and husband is the only amusing part of the show. On a recent episode, the family decided to get healthy. Shante, Snoop's wife, was saying how she needed to lose weight, and her (probably about) 7 or 8 year old daughter said, "Just get the surgery!"
Oh dear. Snoop and Shante cracked up laughing, and it was funny, but it's scary to think that today's young kids are starting to think like that. I'm not surprised - it makes sense. We are in an instant gratification society, and why wouldn't young kids just see it as though you can eat whatever you want and when you get fat, you can just get a quick surgery and be thin. What's the problem?!
I'm hoping our society makes a shift toward the healthy soon. This economy isn't going to help, though. It's so much cheaper to buy junk food at the grocery store or fast food restaurants than it is to buy healthy food. If we are really in for a long term economic drought, I think the government should supplement the food industry, or provide tax breaks for healthy living/eating. After all, bad food and unhealthy living cause a significant drain on tax payers when it comes to medical care. It's only going to get worse, as people have less and less money to feed and take care of themselves.
It's not a bad idea...
Of all the billion reality shows I watch, I can't stand that one and I dont' watch it, surprisingly... but that is funny about the daughter - that's their mentality...
Did you watch Boggest Loser l;ast night. It is so inspirational. They really show what making healthy choices and exercising can do for you.
I agree we are an intsant gratification society, hence why fast food is so successful
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