Matt is currently undergoing a bone marrow transplant. He's been in the hospital for the past 17 days, and he can't leave his room. The drugs are so intense, his whole body is covered in a rash, he's lost his hair, and he's constantly sick. When I saw him yesterday, he was having a good day, and he should get better each day moving forward.
I mention this because his attitude was unbelievable. I'm a glass half full type of person, and I try to see the best in hard situations, but at some point we all break down. Matt has been through hell and back, and he was the same charming, hilarious, upbeat person I've always known. It was amazing, and I know his positive outlook is going to help his recovery tremendously. We could all learn a thing or two from Matty. :)
Yesterday, I consumed 855 calories, 15 grams of fat, 14 grams of fiber, and 83 grams of protein. Darcy and I went to the gym, and I did arms. I took it very easy, and my arms still felt like jello when I was done. Pathetic!
I have some afternoon meetings today, but when I am done with them, I'm going to head back to the gym and attempt to do legs. I haven't done legs since I injured my knee, but I'm going to try it, going easy, and see how it goes. My knee is still not right, but I think it's much better than it was.
Tonight, I need to finish a school project I have. I have class all day Saturday and all day Sunday, so it should not prove to be a very fun weekend, but I will make the best of it. It's not like I'm having a bone marrow transplant, now is it!
So glad you saw Matty!!! and yes he does have a great attitude...
Glad you're back to the gym too, you must be happy.
I worked out at home last night but tonight - I am going to the gym for sure.
A great lesson to share with us all. It helps put things in perspective.
Good luck on your meetings today.
It is NOT pathetic your ams would feel like jello that is what happens when yiou can't work out. Take it easy on that knee
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