It's so strange that my weight fluctuates so dramatically. I had a good work out at the gym yesterday. I'm kind of snowed in currently, so I'm not sure what I'll do for a work out today, but maybe I'll do yoga.
I had lap band surgery on 10/3/2007. All in all, I lost about 160 lbs....and then I found 30 of it back. I am going to lose that 30 again, and then another 50+. Come join me in my journey!!
We walked from our hotel, north of Dupont Circle, to the White House (which was surprisingly small to Darcy - in fact she asked me if it wasn't indeed the Vice President's house - LOL - she is a funny one!), then onto three of the Smithsonian's, including the Museum of Natural History that was WAY cool. We saw an IMAX show about the ocean, and it was amazing! We walked the National Mall, then onto the WWII Memorial, to the reflection pool...we saw the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials, the Capital building, and everything from the EPA HQ to the Department of Commerce...
Darcy has never been to DC before, and she was asking me what everything was. She pointed to puddles on the street (practically), and asked me what significance they had. I have only been to DC for bleeding heart causes I love, so I just wasn't quite the tour guide she was hoping for. She asked me what the point of the reflection pool was. I didn't know. I told her it was probably a place for us to reflect upon...something... She asked me why Washington was the District of Columbia...did it have to do with Columbia? Yeah....no clue. I must have skipped US History class that day.
I did some research, and the answer was slightly harder to find than I imagined. Apparently, there are a lot of people confused about this, as I was. It's named after Christopher Columbus, in the feminine. In fact, here is a picture of him/her that was created for a WW1 poster:
So there you have it.
Tonight, when we are up for walking again, we are going to head out to find a lovely dinner, which shouldn't be hard. DC has some great restaurants! I'm in the mood for something vegilicious, so I'm going to look online for menus ahead of time.
We had a delicious dinner yesterday. My sister made a fresh herb crusted beef tenderloin on the grill (aptly grilled by hubby Jeff), and she served four delicious dipping sauces with it: wasabi cream, mustard sauce, Bearnaise mayonnaise and Gorgonzola cream. Um, yum. We also had creamed spinach, crash hot potatoes (naughty), Christmas Salad, and of course egg nog pie and holiday praline pie. I portion-controlled my way to a total of 1379 calories for the day, which isn't so bad for a Christmas day filled with goodies.
My sister's family headed off to see Jeff's side of the family, and Darcy, my parents and I decided to go to the movies. This was quite a quest, as everyone else had the same idea. We finally secured tickets for a 7PM showing of Marley and Me (very sweet story), and naturally, I gave into my popcorn adoration. I just loooove popcorn. I don't know why, but I do blame my Mother. ;-) I had a small, but of course, that added another 600 calories to my daily total. Yikes.
I know that under 2,000 calories for Christmas is still not that bad, since that's the recommended daily intake (actually, less) for a female my age, but it wasn't necessary. I wasn't even hungry, I just really like it. :)
Anyway, I had a very special Christmas, and it was really nice to be able to spend the day with my family, since they abandoned me to move south many years ago. (I kid!) Watching the little boys open presents was hilarious, and so much fun.
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday as well.
At the end of the 6.5 mile light display, there was a holiday carnival with shops, rides and games. I played the games, naturally. We had a great night.
Yesterday afternoon, I went online to track the rest of my shipment from Amazon.com, and I couldn't find any information about the remaining 20+ items that hadn't arrived yet. I called customer service, and they said the orders were cancelled, but they weren't sure why. Naturally, there wasn't time to place the orders again in time for Christmas (even though they said some of the items could still make it - as if I would trust them again!!!), so I had to start shopping for 2/3rds of the presents I needed yesterday afternoon, 3 days before Christmas, with a 90 minute window. Fun! :)
Thankfully, I was able to find a lot of what I needed at the outlets nearby, and I'm in good shape again. I still have 5-6 more presents to pick up this morning, but I know what I'm getting and where to get it, so it should be easy. I'm hoping to wrap all my presents this morning (except for the ones that I ordered on another web site that are due to arrive tomorrow), because I'm going to be quite busy between now and 12/25.
Darcy and I are heading into Atlanta today to see the sites. I want to visit CNN and Coke, and then I'd also like to find some local yocal places, because I always love those. I know it will be hard because I don't have much time, but it will be a fun quest. We are staying overnight at a cool hotel (blog more later once we've stayed there), and tomorrow AM, we are meeting up with my parents and sister's family to go to the aquarium. That will be fun!
When we get back tomorrow night, we are going to try to make the Christmas Eve service at a nearby church, and then we are all spending the night at my sister's house so that we'll be there when the boys wake up on Christmas morning. They are such cute little guys, and I can't wait to see them on Christmas morning. :)
The hotel we are visiting today appears to have quite an equipped fitness center, so I'm planning to work out when we check in, and hopefully I can get my work out in tomorrow AM as well before we check out.
My sister has some equipment at her house, so I could at least get an elliptical work out there on Christmas AM (not sure if I'll have time), or I can use the exercise bike at my parent's house on Christmas night. On Friday, I will probably head back to the Y or Planet Fitness. I'll play it by ear.
For our trip to FL, in a few weeks, I found 2 Planet Fitness locations that are fairly close to the house we are renting, so I'll be sure to build a workout into that location as well.
Be good.
I cannot wait to get to Florida! We've had a rough run of it these past few months, and we are more than ready to relax in the sun, swim, tan, ride ocean waves, flop by the pool, eat tropical fruits, and enjoy life.
This will be my first trip to Florida when I'm unemployed. If I didn't own two houses that are impossible to unload in this market, I think I'd be pretty tempted to abandon the rat race for sun sets and straw huts.
I would loooove to have some island job and live in the Keys full time. I could do boat tours, or run a B&B or a restaurant or shuck crabs, for all I care. That would be the life! Hey, I'm 32...there's time. :)
I'm looking forward to a very active, yet relaxing trip. There are so many things I can do now that I couldn't have before, and I want to do all of them!