Now that I'm buying organic foods that cost more, I *really* hate throwing out produce that spoiled or left over dinner meats that we didn't have a chance to finish. I just bought fresh produce on Saturday to make a nice salsa with, and the fresh cilantro is already starting to go bad.
I don't think the natural produce lasts as long...possibly...I'm not sure yet, but that's what I suspect. They aren't coated in wax and preservatives, so I suppose that would make sense. I just need to know that if I'm buying certain produce items, I need to use them quickly.
I can't eat it, but I plan to make the salsa tonight before the cilantro goes bad all the way. There are still parts that are perfectly fine. I have more cucumbers than I know what to do with, and D can't eat them because they don't agree with her.
I'm constantly buying meat that I have to freeze, but as long as I freeze it in time, we're okay. I think part of the problem is that I get busy and then decide to order something rather than cooking, and then I have leftovers to eat, so I still don't cook, and it's just a vicious cycle.
I hate to waste food, so I must find a way to have enough food on hand that I make the right choices, while not having too much that I end up wasting.
I am the worst food waster around. I throw everything away because I fear it has gone bad. I think it is a part of my OCD...lol
I know you hate to waste but I also know how busy you are and how sometimes you plan to make something but time runs out which is unfortunate... I agree that the organic fruits and veggies probably don't last as long as the ones loaded up w/ chemicals! You will have to use them up fast next time you buy them.
Try the Debbie Meyer Green Bags for produce - they actually work! You can buy them at Target or online. Another idea (that I follow sometimes) is prepping everything for my meals on Sunday - so the broccoli is washed and chopped and just needs to go in the steamer.
I am obsessed with salsa and that pico de gallo looks soo good. I could literally eat it plain. I wonder if that's a pregnancy thing?
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