Let me back up first... I'm re-reading _A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius_ by Dave Eggers. This was supposed to be a ground breaking book. I'll admit - his methods were somewhat different than others, although I don't believe (necessarily) that they were his own...that's neither here nor there. Why am I re-reading this book that I read ages ago? I'm not sure. I keep skipping large parts of it. I found it mildly amusing the first time I read it, and I now find it completely torturous and self indulgent (to the author).
I mention this because something he said struck a cord with me. He and Toph (his little brother he was raising due to the strange death of his parents, 32 days apart) were not fans of food. If they could take a pill each day instead of eating, they would. Wow. I have days when I feel like eating is a bit of a hassle, and maybe if I could just take a pill, I would, but those days are very few and far between. I can't imagine always feeling that way. How sad.
So Katherine Heigl - when I was reading AHWOSG, Egger's writing reminded me of the circular writing on Grey's Anatomy. I love/hate that show, so I do watch it, but I also thought it was a riot (and so true) when Katherine Heigl refused the Emmy nomination for her work on that show, citing the terrible writing. I hope those big babies don't write her off as a result. Grow up. If the writers don't know their writing is terribly cheesy, they have NO business writing.
All this to say the following: I've decided to have a guest author series on my blog. Today's blog author will be none other than the folks on the writing staff of Grey's Anatomy!
(Read in the voice of Meredith Grey)
For those of us on a weight loss journey, we find ourselves fighting. Fighting to live, to breathe, to love...fighting to be accepted...fighting our cravings...fighting ourselves. We fight so that we can live...live long healthy lives. Lives filled with love. Lives we fought for - are fighting for - will - always- fight-for.
We do this because we are strong. We do this because we need to. We do this because we love ourselves. We do this.
Losing weight can be very difficult, so difficult, immensely difficult. Not losing weight can be more difficult - so difficult that it can kill us. Kill us dead.
And so we fight. We fight for our lives. We must live. We must. We are strong, extraordinary people, and we fight for our lives.
I'd like to thank our guest writers for that very...er...insightful post. Yes, fight we shall and fight we must. ;-)
That was very amusing! Yes they are a bit dramatic over there on grey's...lol.
I am glad you are fighting for life and love all without the drama.
I never heard of the book so I don't know what methods you are referring to but thanks for the other insite via Grey's writers.
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