I think my last vacation (real vacation) was in January when we went to Key West. I realize that some people only take one vacation a year, and some don't even have that, but I'm not them. I need at least (at LEAST) two vacations per year. I work hard, and I push myself a LOT. I need time to unwind and just clear my little mind.
My birthday is Saturday, so I took off Friday, Monday and Tuesday. We were going to go away. First California, but that didn't work out, then Acadia Nat'l park, but I'm immobile from my knee, so that's not a good plan, then we talked about going to Northampton, but that plan dwindled, and lastly Ogunquit, but it's supposed to be rainy all weekend, so I'm pretty sure we're doing nothing.
It's entirely possible that at the last minute, I may decide I want to do something, but that is doubtful. At this point, I'm planning to use my days off to run errands, finish painting the guest bedroom furniture, finish reorganizing the guest bedroom, opening mail (yes, that's worth mentioning - I have another foot high stack) and other household projects. Additionally, I will use the time to get caught up on work and my side project, as well as my homework.
That is depressing. I am going to take at least one day to just relax and do enjoyable things. I found out that I'm traveling to
Redding, CA for work sometime in the next few weeks. It's about 3.5 hrs north of San Fran, so I'm going to schedule my work trip for a Thursday/Friday, and then on Friday, D and I will head to the bay area to visit with friends (Carmen and Kristina - here I come!!), and to see the sights. That's nice to look forward to.

It's been a very stressful and very busy week at work. Yesterday I got up at 4AM, and started working immediately. I worked until 9PM last night, minus the time I took getting ready for work. My driving time counted as work, as I was on work calls 90% of the time I was on the road. So that's like a 17 hr day. I've been working since 6AM today. I'm starting to get grumpy.
I need to make sure I'm preserving my emotional health as well as my physical health. I have plenty of vacation time, so I should use it. The challenge is - the trip I want (and truly feel I need) to take is so much money. I really, really, really want to go somewhere tropical. That's how I unwind. I love the beauty, the air, the activities - all of it. I suppose I shouldn't be planning any vacations with my surgeries coming up... We may be going to Costa Rica next March to visit friends who just retired there (at 50 - lucky!!!), but I certainly can't wait until March.
I need the promise of Florida in my future. That's something I can look forward to during these long, stressful days.
Yes you do need to take time and unwind. Just do it!!
You do work hard and need to recharge your batteries.
Sorry that a weekend trip was not in the cards but we'll make your bday fun anyway...
San Fran will certainly be a fun trip so you have something to look forward to anyway.
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