In the past, I probably would have said I like to entertain, spend time with friends - aka eat and sit. LOL I've always loved to do active things but I couldn't before, and as we went around the room and heard about all the active things so many of my classmates participate in, I felt good to be able to do the things everyone else could.
I got in 12 hrs of work yesterday (as I was on work calls my entire way to class), and then about 3 hrs of class. We got out a little early, so I was home by 9:15. I was exhausted, but we watched Law and Order and then called it a night. Today I have a fill mid day which is going to get in the way of all the work I have, but I'll live. I can finish up after.
Sadly, I did not have a minute of time to work out yesterday, but today will be different.
Good Luck with your fill. I am sure you excelled at interviewing your classmate.
It's nice to tell your classmates about all the active things you like to do, what a great feeling that must have been!
By the way the gal in your picture sure is active...lol
Yes exactly, in some moments I can phrase that I approve of with you, but you may be making allowance for other options.
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