I climbed it twice, and it took me just over a half hour. It was HOT out, so I really felt like I got a good work out in. At some points, I was jogging, which was fun, because I had an iPod with me! TJ loaned me his iPod shuffle until I can fine mine, and it's been wonderful to have!
My knee is still bothering me, and I hope I didn't hurt it, because it was soooo nice to be outside and hiking again! If I have time later, I'm going to continue my work out. I can't decide if I'll go to the gym or go for a brisk kayaking tour. I'm thinking kayaking. I will murder myself this winter when I'm snowed in thinking back to one of the nicest days of the year when I chose to work out inside rather than outside. That's just plain silly. Kayaking like I did yesterday is a fantastic work out, so I guess my mind is made up!
Right now, I'm working at Panera. Sometimes when I work from home, I work from Panera for part of the day. It's a nice change of pace, even though it's often driven by me losing my internet access. I always get the low fat strawberry yogurt smoothie. It has 240 calories, 1.5 grams of fat, 3 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein. So, it's high in calories, but I don't have them often, and I only get them so that I can get my yogurt in. I hate yogurt, but I know it's important. Now I'm up to 687 calories for the day, and I'll have plenty left for dinner.
I had a grass fed beef (all beef) hotdog for lunch today. It was good! I bought them last week at my health foods store, but I hadn't tried them until today. I ate it on a joseph's flax tortilla with some ketchup and mustard.
I chose the Panera on South Willow St. so I could stop by my health foods store on the way back. I need to pick up some meats for the weekend. I'm thinking a delmonico steak and pork chops. This grass fed meat is sooooo good. I am a bit embarrassed, however. Brooke went to Oklahoma and she brought me back a T shirt that says "In Oklahoma," and then below it is a picture of the state with a cow upside down in the middle of it, and the back of the shirt says, "Nothing tips like a cow."
It's funny/obnoxious (much like myself), but here I am going into a crunchy hippy foods store with a t shirt making fun of cow tipping.
Oh well. Love me or leave me. ;0)
Stay cool!
I CAHN'T believe you jogged Rock Rimmon and twice - in this heat. I went to go for a walk at lunch and I was dying from the heat. I couldn't breath. I am def hitting the gym after work but then again, I don't have a lake at my house or a kayak -
and no, I'm not looking for an invitation to Lake Manaske.
I'm sure you will be down a few more pounds very soon at the rate you're going!
you're always welcome up
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