That's not Jimmy's actual fire, but it's not that far off. ;-) Jimmy is quite a fire starter. Our friend TJ (a different TJ than the one I usually mention. that TJ enters this blog a bit later) came by on his Rhino:

This thing is a cross between a four wheeler and a golf cart. It's much safer and more agile and powerful than a four wheeler. I went out with TJ on this once and Darcy missed out, so he took us both out on Friday night. I was in the back part sitting indian style the whole time. We went through the trails and up to the top of Rock Rimmon where we were able to see the whole Manchester night sky line. It was very cool and crazy fun. I want one!!!
The next day, we went to Rita Mae's as usual, and then I came home and did some yardwork. Alison came over and we went out to cupcake. Not many people were out, and it was very relaxing. We came back and had some food and then changed into our evening attire and went back out on the boat. We tied off with some other boats at the opening, and listened to music and floated along.
On Sunday, I woke up and realized I wanted to do something different. I texted my friend Jeff, and he invited us down to Provincetown to stay at his house. Okay!! We got ready as fast as we could (sadly, it took 90 minutes), and we were on the road by 11. We met up with Alison and drove down with her and arrived in Ptown at 2PM.
We couldn't wait to get to the beach!

We swam for a while and enjoyed the beauty of the ocean, and then we headed back to Jeff's house to get ready for the night.
There are a million fabulous restaurants in Ptown, but we were on a budget, so we went to George's where I got my favorite sub in the world. It's roast beef with cheese, mayo, lettuce and pickles toasted. I was able to eat half of it, which was very surprising. I think it's time for me to get a fill!
After that, we visited with our friend Dana, and then we took to the streets. People watching in Ptown is the best. Our friend Jeff was planning to see Suzanne Whang's comedy show, so we made plans to meet up with him for that. Jason Dudey opened for her, and I think he is just a riot. It was a nice little surprise because we didn't know she had an opener. This is me and Jason after the show. I have a picture with Michelle as well, but I look stupid in it.
20 minutes into Michelle's act, my friend Jeff tells me that she is Michelle Whang, host of HGTV's househunters. No way! I used to watch that show all the time, and it was a riot to see her funny on stage persona, because she's so proper in that show. I texted TJ, who was also in Ptown for the weekend, and said, "I am hanging out with the host of house hunters right now!" (Slight exaggeration) - he immediately texted me back and said, "No way! Michelle Whang????!!!!" LOL Of course he knew exactly who I was talking about.
After the comedy show, we met up with TJ and his crew at their friend Kirby's house. I adore TJ's friends. They are very friendly and welcoming, but they are also hilarious. Honestly, they should have a reality show or something. Especially TJ and Jen -they are ridiculously quick witted.
We had a great night with them, and we left at 7:30 Monday morning to beat the traffic. We ended up going out with the local crew to cupcake island, and then back to Jimmy's for a BBQ. We got back to our house around 6:30 at night, and Krissy and Bruno were just getting back from camping. We hadn't seen them in a while so we chilled out in our lawn chairs by the water, getting caught up with them for the next few hours.
It was still an early night, and I woke up this morning full of pep, so my very busy weekend didn't take too much out of me, which is a good thing, because now I am back to my very busy week: finals, work projects, lake association work + meeting, side project work, family stuff...I could go on and on, but I'll stop there so I can get back to it all!
Have a great week.
P-Town? ...I'm so jealous. You're the second person that I've heard from in the last 24 hours that dashed off to P-Town spur of the moment this past weekend. Good for you! Before getting dogs we used to go to P-Town every weekend in the summer. We have friends that live there year round (in Brewster and Martha's Vineyard too). I think we need to move to the cape!!
TJ and friends should def have a reality show - that would be a riot!
Such a fun fun FUN weekend - thank you for including me in all the plans!
Dogs ruin everything! LOL
Just kidding.
Half. ;-)
Your weekend does sound fun. By the way it is Suzanne Wang, not Michelle...lol.
It was fun seeing all of you.
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